Seminar on the COMOZ statutory work
The Remote Sensing Division organized a seminar summarizing previous activities within statutory work: “The start-up of the Earth Observation Mission Control Center (EOMC2) with the use of the available infrastructure, in order to develop methods and procedures for the processing of satellite data (including EUMETSAT, Sentinel, Landsat image data)”. The seminar was held at the […]
Brussels Innova 2016: Gold medal for the Institute of Aviation innovation
The 65th International Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technologies BRUSSELS INNOVA 2016 took place from 17 November until 19 November 2016. The Institute of Aviation showcased the innovation “Individual Autonomous Navigation System (IANS)” developed by Stanisław Popowski’s team from the Avionics Department. The innovation was presented by Monika Świech-Szczepańska, the manager of the Coordination […]
7th European Forum for Marketing of Scientific and Research Organizations
The Institute of Aviation hosted this conference, devoted to marketing of European scientific and research organizations. This year’s edition attracted 140 participants from Belarus, Croatia, Spain, Germany, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Sweden, Turkey and Italy. The two-day conference was not only teeming with presentations, but also became a platform for discussions, meetings and experience sharing. […]
7th edition of “Forum Rozwoju Mazowsza”
The Institute of Aviation, among other most innovative companies and institutions, presented its activities during the 7th edition of “Forum Rozwoju Mazowsza” (Mazowsze Development Forum) which was held at the Legia Stadium in Warsaw on 16-17 November 2016. The event was organized by Mazowiecka Jednostka Wdrażania Programów Unijnych (Mazovian Unit of EU Programmes Implementation) The […]
ICAYS Conference 2016
The first session of ICAYS (International Conference in Aerospace for Young Scientists) was held in Beijing in China on 12-13 November 2016. The conference of this conference was to provide a platform for young scientists from all over the world to present their research results and development in aerospace. Among the participants of ICAYS was […]
Safety in Civil Aviation
A conference entitled „Safety in Civil Aviation” organized annually by the Civil Aviation Authority was held at Lazarski University in Warsaw on 16-17 November 2016. The participants were representatives of the organizations supervising national aviation, as well as maintenance organizations, airport boards, aero clubs etc. This year, for the first time, CAA invited representatives of […]
7th edition of Forum Rozwoju Mazowsza
The Institute of Aviation will present its research and publishing offer during the seventh edition of “Forum Rozwoju Mazowsza” which is set to be held from 16th till 17th November at Legia Stadium in Warsaw. This is the most important conference event for the development of the Mazowsze region. The event will promote European funds, […]
Warsaw Industry Week 2016
The Institute of Aviation presented its activity as a member of the Aviation Valley Cluster (“Dolina Lotnicza”) during the Warsaw Industry Week in Nadarzyn on 7-9 November 2016. The Institute presented its research projects: ILX-27 unmanned aircraft, programme of operating aircraft piston engines, HESOFF research programme together with a high-resolution camera, books and scientific publications, […]
CTEC verticalizer now with 1st receipient
Engineers from the Center for Transportation and Energy Conversion (Institute of Aviation) officially transferred a verticalizer for the rehabilitation purposes to parents of a several-years-old girl. The device was built at the Institute of Aviation over the course of several months. The completion of the project in record time was a challenge for the engineers […]
Professor Piotr Wolański awarded by the Kunming University
The Kunming University of Science and Technology in China awarded Professor Piotr Wolański a title of visiting professor with the privileges of the chairman of a department at the Kunming University. The title gives professor Wolański the right to lecture and supervise doctoral students as well as to advise on the range of educational and […]
Our poster was awarded at the „Trees and forests in the changing environment” conference
During the “Trees and forests in the changing environment” conference organized at the Institute of Dendrology in Kórnik (17-18 October 2016) the results of the studies on the effect of drought on the surface of the HESOFF research project oak stands were presented. The aim of the conference was to present the latest research results […]
Cooperative Agreement between the University of Stuttgart and the Institute of Aviation
During the 6th EASN International Conference „Innovation in European Aeronautics Research” in Porto, a cooperative agreement was signed between the Institute of Aircraft Design, University of Stuttgart and the Institute of Aviation. On the basis of the above-mentioned Agreement, the University of Stuttgart and the Institute of Aviation will, in the future, realize joint tasks […]
Presentation of a multisensory platform QUERCUS.6
A multisensory platform QUERCUS.6 built within the HESOFF project at the Center for Space Technologies (Institute of Aviation) will be presented and used during the FPS COST Action FP1401 GLOBAL WARNING workshops: “Fungal taxonomy and fungal identification using traditional (i.e. not molecular) techniques” in Sękocin Stary at the end of November 2016. The purpose of […]
6th EASN International Conference
On the 18th–21st of October 2016, the 6th EASN International Conference „Innovation in European Aeronautics Research” was held in Porto, Portugal. The event gathered about 250 participants from all over the world, mainly representing foreign HEIs, research institutes, but also the European Commission and the aerospace industry enterprises. At the Conference, the Institute of Aviation […]
The 3rd Run of the Institute of Aviation is already behind us!
The Institute of Aviation for the third time hosted runners from all over Poland. This year over 300 runners competed in the main run of a distance of 5 km. An additional attraction was the relay race for which 36 teams signed up. The event ended with a traditional run for children. The multiplicity of […]
7th Night at the Institute of Aviation
On 14 October 2016 the Institute of Aviation is organizing the 7th Night at the Institute of Aviation – the biggest educational night event, whose purpose is to promote aviation and space sectors as well as engineering professions. The event will be held from 5 p.m. till 11 p.m. at the premises of the Institute […]
EREA Young Researchers Event 2016
On the 4-5th October 2016, the Institute of Aviation hosted young researchers from the research establishments associated within EREA – European Research Establishments in Aeronautics, who came to the Institute within the framework of the annually organized EREA Young Researchers Event. This year’s edition of the event was devoted to writing and evaluating of the […]
ILR-33 Amber rocket in the “Wiadomości” news programme
The news programme “Wiadomości” aired the TV material on the competitiveness of the Polish economy as compared to other countries in the world. The material highlighted the potential of Polish science in the development of innovative space technologies. In this context, it mentions modern rocket fuel component developed by our engineers from the Center for […]
The Institute of Aviation at the International Astronautical Congress
The 67th International Astronautical Congress is being held this year from 26 till 30 September 2016 in Guadalajara in Mexico. The Institute of Aviation is represented by engineers from the Center for Space Technologies. In a poster session the presentation Development Of Small Solid Rocket Boosters For The ILR-33 Sounding Rocket was given by Paweł […]
Borys Łukasik: His research interests NASA
A young PhD student of the Institute of Aviation, Borys Łukasik, conducts research that could revolutionize air travel. He told the business magazine My Company Poland about his research work and PhD studies at the Institute of Aviation. Borys’ scientific stay at a U.S. college made him start research on the analysis of the possibility […]
Institute of Aviation engineers built a standing frame for children
The Center for Transportation and Energy Conversion completed the construction of a “rehabilitation stimulator of biomechanics of the lower extremities” designed for children. The idea of building such a device was created just two months ago, as a result of requests from parents of a child suffering from Rett syndrome – a severe disease that […]
READ – Research and Education in Aircraft Design Conference
On 12-14 September 2016, the Institute of Aviation was a venue for READ Research and Education in Aircraft Design conference. The event was organized jointly with the Warsaw University of Technology. READ conference was held already for the twelfth time – since 1994, when it was organized for the first time in Warsaw, every two […]
2nd Polish-Brazilian Conference on Science and Technology
The 2nd Polish-Brazilian Conference on Science and Technology was held on 7-8 September 2016 at the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw. This joint initiative of the Institute of Aviation and the University of Brasilia is a platform for contacts and exchanges between scientists from the aviation, space and energy sectors, as well as representatives of […]
35th Trustees Board Meeting of CEAS Council of European Aerospace Societies
On the 6th of September 2016, the Institute of Aviation hosted the 35th Trustees Board Meeting of CEAS – Council of European Aerospace Societies. The members of the Board held a one-day meeting and some of them stayed in Warsaw to participate and deliver speeches on the first day of the 2nd Polish-Brazilian Conference on […]
EREA Future Sky Board Meeting
On the 7th September 2016, the Institute of Aviation was a venue for the Board Meeting of the EREA Future Sky programme. The programme is a joint research initiative of research institutes belonging to EREA. The aim of the programme is to ensure technological development to the benefit of European society and industry. Future Sky’s […]
Information on TBO
The President of the Civil Aviation Authority has signed the “Guidelines no 9 on the time between overhaul for piston-based engines”. The Institute of Aviation undertook the task of developing the information for piston engines operations according to the technical state. The results of these studies may complement and develop the guidelines. The presentation and […]
The Institute of Aviation at the MSPO in Kielce
Come and visit the Institute of Aviation expo stand at the 24th International Defence Industry Exhibition MSPO in Kielce. The fair is going to start on the 6th of September 2016 and it will last four days. This year’s exhibition brings together 609 companies from 30 countries. The programme of the fair includes only business […]
3rd Institute of Aviation Run – registration has just started!
On 9th October 2016 the runners will meet again on the route along picturesque alleys of the Institute of Aviation. This year they will be competing in the Main Run at the distance of 5 km and, what is new in this edition, in a relay race. The youngest competitors will test their strength in […]
The Institute of Aviation is a recognized employer for workers over 50
The Institute of Aviation was distinguished in the report „Dobre praktyki w zarządzaniu wiekiem i zasobami ludzkimi ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem pracowników 50+” („Good practice in age management and human resources with particular emphasis on workers over 50”) prepared by Instytut Badań nad Demokracją i Przedsiębiorstwem Prywatnym (Foundation “Research Institute for Private Enterprise and Democracy”) and […]
Gas turbine transportation
The long-awaited 7E gas turbine simulator reached the Gas Turbine Center at the Institute of Aviation. The turbine simulator will be used for instrumentation tests and turbine servicing, thanks to which, besides performing inspections, training for assembly and disassembly of particular turbine components will also be possible. The newly arrived turbine is one of the […]
DART workshops
In mid-September 2016 the DART project workshops are planned, whose aim will be to discuss the concept of small aircraft transport with its potential users. Therefore, we ask all interested to complete a survey that would allow us to assess the legitimacy of the system concept. Surveys should be sent by e-mail: until 10 September […]
11th International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention and Mitigation of Industrial Explosion
On 24-29 July 2016 in Dalian in China the eleventh International Symposium on Hazards, Prevention and Mitigation of Industrial Explosion (ISHPMIE) was organized. The symposium is a continuation of the six International Colloquium on Dust Explosions organized by professor Piotr Wolański in the years 1984-1993 in Poland and the seventh organized in 1994 in China. […]
2016 International Workshop on Detonation for Propulsion
On 12-15 July 2016 in Temasek Laboratories, National University of Singapore the International Workshop on Detonation for Proulsion (2016 IWDP) was held. It was the fifth workshop concentrated on this issue. The previous ones were organized in 2011 (two of them) in Bourges and Pusan, 2012 in Tsukuba, 2013 in Tainan, 2014 in Warsaw (at […]
Fourth group of OSU students: the closing seminary
The seminary closing the three month internship of four Ohio State University students at the Institute of Aviation was held on September 2, 2016. Students Jesse Marquisee, Luke Burgett, Jacob Cantin and Dmitriy Dorfman presented the projects they participated in and their achievements. This is the fourth group of Ohio State Students to intern at […]
90 years of the Institute of Aviation
The Institute of Aviation Technical Research – the today’s Institute of Aviation was created in 1st August 1926. The history of the Institute of Aviation stretches back to the re-establishment of Poland’s national sovereignty. In December 1918, Polish authorities created the Department of Science and Technology at the Air Navigation Section of the Ministry of […]
HESOFF project: site visit
On 26th July 2016, Life+ programme representative Anna Clintock and HESOFF supervisor Zbigniew Karaczun visited oak stands in Płyta Krotoszyńska where our QUERCUS Multispectral Platform takes aerial photographs. The Institute of Aviation was represented by: Sylwia Nasiłowska, PhD, Mariusz Kacprzak and Karol Rotchimmel. The Forest Research Institute was represented by professor Tomasz Oszako. The project […]
Magdalena Nizik to leave the position of the chairman of the board at General Electric Company Poland
After 13 years of service, Magdalena Nizik, the chairman of the board at General Electric Company Poland bids farewell with one of the largest companies in technology industry in Poland. The next challenge undertaken by the outgoing chairman will be to manage the new company involved in the precision casting. Magdalena Nizik will be replaced […]
Polish Wind Tunnels Cluster
On the 21st of July 2016, the Warsaw University of Technology, the Military University of Technology in Warsaw and the Institute of Aviation have signed a framework agreement on long-term cooperation within an established Cluster under the name of the Polish Wind Tunnels (Polskie Tunele Aerodynamiczne). Main objective of the Cluster is to associate the […]
DART – Direct Air Transport
Project scope includes legal challenges, using GNSS approach procedures and remote Aerodrome Information Service (rAFIS) as well as market analysis and business plan development. The DART project (Direct AiR Transport) assumes using Polish Aero Club resources: aircraft, pilots, airfields, which means that barrier of entry resulting from investment cost is significantly smaller. Institute of Aviation […]
The measurement of spectral signatures of oaks infected with Phytophthora pathogen
The Spectral Signatures Laboratory located at the Remote Sensing Department in the Institute of Aviation collected and analyzed the spectral signatures (Quercus robur) of oaks infected with pathogens of the Phytophthora genus. In the wild, these pathogens are attacking plant roots preventing from uptaking water and therefore are one of the causes of dieback of […]