
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation

Closing seminar of the first group of students from the University of Brasilia

On Thursday, 8th February 2018, the Institute of Aviation farewelled the first group of students from Brazil who came to the Institute for a six-month-long internship. During the seminar closing their internship, the students of Universidade de Brasília: Lucas Santos de Morais Silva, Luiz Fernando Rocha de Carvalho, Marcia Aline Ribeiro Silva, Daniel Back da […]

ESA delegation at the Institute of Aviation

On February 2, 2018 the Institute of Aviation held a meeting with the European Space Agency representatives along with the acting director of the Institute of Aviation, Leszek Loroch, PhD Eng. and representatives of the Department of Space Technology. The meeting was attended by three employees of the Institute who have work experience at the […]

Working meeting with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education delegation

On January 29th, 2018 the Institute of Aviation hosted a working meeting with a delegation from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The special guest of the meeting was the Undersecretary of State, Piotr Dardziński. The representatives of the Institute of Aviation was leaded by the Acting Director of the Institute of Aviation, Leszek […]

The interview with professor Piotr Wolański in the “Sprawy nauki” magazine

The January issue of the magazine “Sprawy nauki” published an interview with professor Piotr Wolański, the chairman of the Committee on Space Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the initiator of the ILR-33 “Amber” rocket (ILR-33 “Bursztyn”) at the Institute of Aviation. The interview recalled the history of the “Meteor” rocket program, the […]

The creators of the ILR-33 “Amber” rocket on Polish Radio

The latest “Eureka” broadcast on Jedynka in Polish Radio, hosted the creators of the ILR-33 “Amber” rocket from the Institute of Aviation. The guests of the program were: professor Piotr Wolański (chairman of the Committee on Space Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences), Leszek Loroch, PhD Eng. (acting director of the Institute of Aviation) […]

Public defence of a doctoral dissertation by M.Sc. Eng. Paweł Grygorcewicz

The Institute of Aviation in Warsaw informs that on January, 17th 2018 (Wednesday) at 11 a.m. at the Institute of Aviation, al. Krakowska 110/114 in conference room no 4 in the Center of the Innovative Aeronautical and Space Technologies (X2 building) a public defence of MSc. Eng. Paweł Grygorcewicz will be held. The doctoral dissertation is titled: […]

Public defence of a doctoral dissertation by M.Sc. Eng. Adam Sieradzki

The Institute of Aviation in Warsaw informs that on January, 15th 2018 (Monday) at 11 a.m. at the Institute of Aviation, al. Krakowska 110/114 in conference room no 4 in the Center of the Innovative Aeronautical and Space Technologies (X2 building) a public defence of MSc. Eng. Adam Sieradzki will be held. The doctoral dissertation is titled: […]

Public defence of a doctoral dissertation by M.Sc. Eng. Tomasz Seredyn

The Institute of Aviation in Warsaw informs that on January, 11st 2018 (Thursday) at 12 p.m. at the Institute of Aviation, al. Krakowska 110/114 in conference room no 4 in the Center of the Innovative Aeronautical and Space Technologies (X2 building) a public defence of MSc. Eng. Tomasz Seredyn will be held. The doctoral dissertation is titled: […]

Public defence of a doctoral dissertation by M.Sc. Eng. Paweł Stężycki

The Institute of Aviation in Warsaw informs that on January, 10th 2018 (Wednesday) at 10 a.m. at the Institute of Aviation, al. Krakowska 110/114 in conference room no 2 in the Center of the Innovative Aeronautical and Space Technologies (X2 building) a public defence of MSc. Eng. Paweł Stężycki will be held. The doctoral dissertation is titled: […]

Alfred Baron has passed away

We are saddened to announce the passing of Alfred Baron, a chief constructor of the Polish jet trainer I-22 Iryda and a composite plane I-23 Manager. Mr Baron passed away on December 10, 2017 at age of 85. The ceremony combined with the cremation will take place on Wednesday, December 13, 2017 at 2:15 p.m. […]

Contest for MEiL students and researchers has started

A GE Challenge for students-scientists, researchers, scientific circles and PhD students has started on December 1st, 2017.  The aim of this contest will be to promote talented young scientists. Participants will look for unconventional solutions that can contribute to the development of advanced technologies. It will be held in cooperation with the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering […]

10th edition of the “Development Trends in Space Propulsion Systems” conference

The 10th edition of the scientific conference ” Development Trends in Space Propulsion Systems” was held on 30th November – 1st December 2017 in the Centre for Innovation and Technology Transfer Management of Warsaw University of Technology. The latest edition gathered about 90 participants from both Research & Development and Industrial sectors. Representatives of key […]

Successful demonstration of Polish rocket technology. The flight of the ILR-33 “Amber”

The ILR-33 “Amber” (“Bursztyn”) rocket of the Institute of Aviation which utilises innovative green propulsion, underwent a demonstration flight at the firing range in Drawsko Pomorskie, Poland in October 2017. The test was a success, reaching the 15 km ceiling. The maximum possible reach of the rocket, however, is several times higher, and the maximum […]

NI Engineering Impact Awards for engineers of the Space Technologies Department

The Space Technology Department engineers, Kamil Sobczak and Tobiasz Mayer, received the NI Engineering Impact Awards for the most innovative solution presented at the NIDays conference in Warsaw on October 10, 2017. The distinction was awarded for the software used in the tests of the main engine of the Polish rocket ILR-33 “Amber”. The laureates […]

“Amber” rocket at the Ministry of Economic Development

On November 21, 2017, the Ministry of Economic Development will host a conference –  “5 years of Poland’s membership in the European Space Agency”. Polish contribution to space research will be presented by the representatives of the Center of Space Technologies who will showcase the ILR-33 “Amber” rocket, which in October this year had its […]

8th European Forum for Marketing of Scientific and Research Organizations

For the eighth time in a row, the Institute of Aviation has organized an international conference on marketing of scientific and research organizations (November 16-17). This year’s edition was attended by 140 participants from Poland and abroad. Representatives of European research institutes, universities and institutions supporting the development of science shared their knowledge with the […]

3rd Polish-Brazilian Conference on Science and Technology

The 3rd Polish-Brazilian Conference on Science and Technology was held on 6-8 November 2017. This conference, organized jointly by The Institute of Aviation and the University of Brasilia, took place this time in the auditorium of the Rectorate of the University of Brasilia. As every year, it was an opportunity for scientists and representatives of […]

Copernicus Masters Award for the Institute of Aviation scientists

On November 7, 2017, the awarding ceremony for the prestigious Copernicus Masters competition organized by the European Commission and the European Space Agency was held in Tallinn, Estonia. The winners in the Copernicus Sustainable Development Challenge category were Sylwia Nasiłowska, PhD and Mariusz Kacprzak, MSc Eng. from the Remote Sensing Department, who presented an innovative […]

Clean Space Industrial Days 2017

Engineers of the Center of Space Technologies of the Institute of Aviation participated for the third time in the event hosted by the European Space Agency – Clean Space Industrial Days 2017, which was held on 24-26 October 2017. The speakers were Paweł Nowakowski, who delivered a presentation on “Conceptual design of Solid Rocket Motor […]

ILR-33 “Amber” sounding rocket completes successful flight test

On October 22nd, 2017, at Land Forces Training Centre „Drawsko” in northwest Poland the first flight test of the ILR-33 “Amber” sounding rocket was performed. Its aim was to verify in-flight technical solutions for sounding and launch vehicles designed and developed by the Institute of Aviation. The flight was successful. Proper subsystems operation was confirmed […]

Tests of the new air inlet Nacelle Anti-Ice System design for GE LEAP-1C engine

Last week, the team of Aerodynamic Research Laboratory together with engineers from the Engineering Design Center (EDC GE) and Middle River Aircraft Systems (MRAS) tested the new air inlet Nacelle Anti-Ice System design for GE LEAP-1C engine in the T-3 low-speed wind tunnel. During the test campaign, the SAD measurement system was used to measure […]

Institute of Aviation joins Warsaw Industry Week exhibitor line-up

The Institute of Aviation joins the second edition of the Warsaw Industry Week, which will be held  on November 14-16, 2017 in Ptak Warsaw EXPO in Nadarzyn. Our experts will be ready to meet you and answer your questions at stand89  in hall E. Warsaw Industry Week is the largest industrial event in this part […]

Institute of Aviation joins Renexpo Poland as an exhibitor

A Renexpo Poland – one of the most important events dedicated to renewable energy – will be held at “Warszawskie Centrum EXPO XXI” in Warsaw, Poland on October 25-27, 2017.  Representatives of the Institute of Aviation from the Center of Transporation and Energy Conversion and the Center of New Technologies will be present at the […]

More than 37 thousands fans gather for the 8th Night at the Institute of Aviation

This year’s Night at the Institute of Aviation ended with another attendance record. Over the course of six hours, more than 37 thousand people went through the gateway of the Institute of Aviation. The event was highly popular among the inhabitants of Warsaw and neighboring areas. The attractions drew in aviation enthusiasts, as well as […]

Test flights of the national team of ski jumpers at the Institute of Aviation

On 30 August 2017, an official meeting was held in the Aerodynamics Research Laboratory with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Sport and Tourism, the Institute of Aviation, the Institute of Sport and the Polish Ski Association together with members of the national ski jumping team. The visit included test flights scheduled for […]

Institute of Aviation hosted the prestigious EASN conference “Innovation in European Aeronautics Research”

On 26-29th September 2017, the Institute of Aviation became the venue of the 7th International EASN (European Aeronautics Science Network Association) Conference entitled “Innovation in European Aeronautics Research”. The conference was organized jointly with the Warsaw University of Technology and with a special support by General Electric, Air Force Institute of Technology and the Polish […]

The 68th International Space Congress

The 68th International Space Congress took place between 25-29 September 2017 in Adelaide, Australia. For the fifth year in a row, experts from the Institute of Aviation have been selected by an international team of experts to present the latest developments in rocket technology at the major sessions of the world’s largest space conference. The […]

“Composite materials used in aviation” training for Civil Aviation Authority

On September 12-14th, 2017 the Institute of Aviation carried out a theoretical and practical training entitled: “Composite materials used in aviation”. The training was prepared by the Center for Composite Technology staff for inspectors of the Civil Aviation Authority. The programme of the training included the following issues: – composite materials, – Introduction to aerospace […]

8th Night at the Institute of Aviation

On October 13, 2017 the Institute of Aviation will host the 8th Night at the Institute of Aviation, the largest nocturnal educational event in Poland, aimed at popularization of aviation and aerospace industry sector in Poland as well as promotion of engineering professions. The slogan of this year’s edition, which will be held on Friday […]

First Scientific Council session of the Institute of Aviation for the term of 2017-2021

On September 18th, 2017 there was held the first Scientific Council session of the Institute of Aviation for the term of 2017-2021. During the event the Presidium of Scientific Council was appointed by a secret ballot, composed of: Chairman of the Scientific Council – Marian Lubieniecki, Dr. Eng., General Electric Company Poland Deputy Chairmen of […]

Visit of Brazilian attaché

On 19th October 2017 the Institute of Aviation received the visit of the military attaché of the Federal Republic of Brazil in Poland, colonel Aureo Ribero Vieira da Silva and his deputy. After discussions with Institute management and a tour of our laboratories, the attaché met in a very friendly atmosphere with a group of […]

Trade mission to Nevada

On August 28 – September 3, 2017, an official delegation of representatives of the Institute of Aviation set off on trade mission to Nevada, USA. The visit was part of the preparations for the Nevada state trade mission to Poland, which will  be held on 14-18 October 2017. Representatives of the Institute of Aviation participated […]

Juliusz Piasecki has passed away

With deep sadness and regret we received news of sudden death of our colleague Juliusz Piasecki, a wonderful boss and a friend, always serene and cheerful . Juliusz Piasecki started working at the Institute of Aviation in 1982. Initially he was involved in the design of information systems for management purposes and in 1987 he […]

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