
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Lotnictwa

dr inż. Janusz Sznajder

Scientific interests:

Aerodynamics of large angles of attack, effectiveness of steering surfaces in airflow conditions in large angles of attack; active control of airflow in the scope of redistribution of bearing surface load; two-phase flow simulation methods, airframe icing; interaction of laminar and turbulent boundary layer with blast wave in transonic flow conditions; numerical methods of sound propagation and radiation simulation.

Most important publications:

  1. Sznajder J., Stalewski W. (2014). Computational Simulations of Smart Aircraft Wing-Load-Control Systems Based on Innovative Fluidic Devices, The International Workshop on Applied Modelling and Simulation, The 7-th International Workshop on Applied Modeling and Simulation, September 16-17, Istanbul, Turkey.
  2. Sznajder J., Stalewski W. (2014). Wing Load Control via Fluidic Devices, 4th EASN Workshop on Flight Physics and Aircraft Design, 27-29 October 2014, Aachen, Germany.
  3. Sznajder J. (2013). Modeling of selected phenomena governing surface icing, Journal of KONES, Vol 20(2), pp. 377-384.
  4. Sznajder J., Stalewski W. (2010). Application of a Panel Method with Viscous-Inviscid Interaction for the Determination of Aeordynamic Characteristics of Cesar Baseline Aircraft, Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa, pp. 76-97.
  5. Goraj Z., Sznajder J. (2002). Extreme loads acting on transport airplane following a sudden change in symmetric equilibrium, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, DOI: 10.1108/00022660210420834, Vol. 74, Issue 2, pp. 125-137.


dr inż. Janusz Sznajder

Zainteresowania naukowe:

Aerodynamika dużych kątów natarcia, skuteczność powierzchni sterowych w warunkach opływu na dużych kątach natarcia; aktywne sterowanie opływem w zakresie redystrybucji obciążenia powierzchni nośnych; metody symulacyjne przepływów dwufazowych, oblodzenie powierzchni nośnych; interakcje laminarnej i turbulentnej warstwy przyściennej z falą uderzeniową w warunkach opływu transonicznego; metody numeryczne symulacji propagacji i radiacji hałasu.

Najważniejsze publikacje:

  1. Sznajder J., Stalewski W. (2014). Computational Simulations of Smart Aircraft Wing-Load-Control Systems Based on Innovative Fluidic Devices, The International Workshop on Applied Modelling and Simulation, The 7-th International Workshop on Applied Modeling and Simulation, September 16-17, Istanbul, Turkey.
  2. Sznajder J., Stalewski W. (2014). Wing Load Control via Fluidic Devices, 4th EASN Workshop on Flight Physics and Aircraft Design, 27-29 October 2014, Aachen, Germany.
  3. Sznajder J. (2013). Modeling of selected phenomena governing surface icing, Journal of KONES, Vol 20(2), pp. 377-384.
  4. Sznajder J., Stalewski W. (2010). Application of a Panel Method with Viscous-Inviscid Interaction for the Determination of Aeordynamic Characteristics of Cesar Baseline Aircraft, Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa, pp. 76-97.
  5. Goraj Z., Sznajder J. (2002). Extreme loads acting on transport airplane following a sudden change in symmetric equilibrium, Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, DOI: 10.1108/00022660210420834, Vol. 74, Issue 2, pp. 125-137.


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