Masutaka ARAI, Gunma University, Japan
Maciej BERNHARDT, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Romuald BEDZINSKI, Wroclaw University of Technology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
Marian CICHY, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Andrzej CHUDZIKIEWICZ, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Andrzej CISZEWSKI, SIMP Warsaw, Poland
Adam CHARCHALIS, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland
Romuald CWILEWICZ, Rector of Gdynia Maritime University, Poland
Yasuhiro DAISHO, Waseda University, Japan
Janusz DYDUCH, Polish Academy of Sciences – Committee of Transport, Poland
Jerzy GIRTLER, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Herbert HEITLAND, RWTH, WV, Germany
John B. HEYWOOD, MIT, Director of Sloan Automotive Lab, USA
Norimasa Iida, Keio University, President of JSME, Engine Systems Division, Japan
Takashi KATODA, Osaka Prefecture University
Rudolf KLEMENS, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Janusz KOWAL – Dean of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow
Andrzej KOWALEWICZ, Radom University of Technology, Poland
Boris M. KHRUTSALEV, Belarussian National Technical University (BNTU) Belarus
Jerzy KUSMIDROWICZ, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Yasuhiko OHTA, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan
Krzysztof MARCHELEK – Scientific Council of Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland
Jerzy MERKISZ, Scientific Council of Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland
Zbigniew PAWELSKI, PTNM, Poland
Franz F. PISCHINGER, FEV Motorentechnic, Germany
Wojciech PRZETAKIEWICZ, Scientific Council Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland
Eugeniusz RUSINSKI, Wroclaw University of Technology, Poland
Zbigniew SMALKO, Air Force Institute of Technology, Poland
Ryszard SZCZEPANIK, Air Force Institute of Technology, Poland
Marek SLEZAK, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland
Eugeniusz SWITONSKI, Scientific Council Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland, Silesian University of Technology
Andrzej TEODORCZYK, Combustion Institute, Poland
Heorhi VIARSHYNA, Belarussian National Technical University (BNTU) Belarus
Jan WAJAND, Technical Humanistic Academy, Bielsko Biala, Poland
Wojciech WAWRZYNSKI, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
Witold WISNIOWSKI, Institute of Aeronautics, Poland
Andrzej WOJCIECHOWSKI, Motor Transport Institute, Poland
Maciej WOROPAY, Wloclawek College of Enterprise and technology, Poland
Marian ZABLOCKI, Krakow University of Technology, Poland