
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation

Polish Innovation in Advanced Materials & Nanotechnologies

On 1 December 2014 Director of the Materials and Structures Research Center, Antoni Niepokólczycki, participated in the conference “Polish Innovation in Advanced Materials & Nanotechnologies” in Tel-Aviv. The event, organized by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economy and the National Centre for Research and Development, attracted almost 60 participants from Poland […]

Julian Falęcki has died

It is with deep regret that we inform of  the passing of Julian Falęcki – an outstanding designer of aircraft engines, a longtime employee of the Institute of Aviation.

The 10th anniversary of the opening the laboratories in Materials and Structures Research Center

On 8th December the Institute of Aviation was celebrating the 10th anniversary of the opening the laboratories in Materials and Structures Research Center. The participants of the anniversary ceremony included: the Director of the Institute of Aviation – Professor Witold Wiśniowski, the Director of the Materials and Structures Research Center – Antoni Niepokólczycki, PhD Eng, […]

Medal of the Warsaw University of Technology for Professor Piotr Wolański

On 8th December 2014  Professor Piotr Wolański was awarded with the Medal of the Warsaw University of Technology. The Ceremony was held under the patronage of Rector and the Senate of the Warsaw University of Technology. The welcoming speech gave Rector of the WUT Professor Jan Szmidt. At the Ceremony held awarding the title of […]

EDC Christmas charity events

On 3-4 December 2014 the Engineering Design Center volunteers organized two Christmas charity events aimed at financial support for charity organizations. On 3rd December EDC Management and Managers collected money for the charity association Wspólnymi Siłami. Engineers were selling their own baked cakes, cupcakes and other sweets.             On 4th […]

Polish-American Innovation Week

On 17-21 November 2014 Director of the Materials and Structures Research Center, Antoni Niepokólczycki, participated in the Polish-American Innovation Week on the West Coast of the United States. The event, organized by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the National Centre for Research and Development, attracted almost […]

Gold Medal with mention at the 2014 Brussels Innova Fair

The invention presented by the Institute of Aviation titled “The method of obtaining hydrogen peroxide especially HTP class for application in drives and system for vacuum distillation” at the World Exhibition on Inventions, Research and New Technologies held on 13–15 November 2014 in Brussels was awarded the Gold Medal with mention. The presentation of the […]

EDC honoured for high quality internships

On 28 November 2014 the Engineering Design Center become a Member of the Program Polskich Ram Jakości Staży i Praktyk. Polskie Stowarzyszenie Zarządzania Kadrami honourded EDC with Quality Mark and Certificate confiriming high quality of the interships offered in the “Praktyki w EDC” internship program. Certificate for EDC

Signing a contract with the European Space Agency

On 28 November 2014 at the Ministry of Economy contracts for the projects realization in the space sector within the support program for Polish industry were signed. The Institute of Aviation was among the companies, whose projects were qualified for implementation. Polish companies put forth 70 projects – among them 28 were qualified. The total […]

Christmas discount

On the occasion of the upcoming St. Nicholas’ Day and Christmas the Scientific Publications Division of the Institute of Aviation prepared a special discount on all publications available in their e-shop. From 1st -14th December 2014 there will be an opportunity to buy any publication with 20% discount. We encourage you to visit the e-shop […]

Safety Management System Workshop Summary

On 6th November 2014, DZ Consulting Sp. z o.o. conducted another workshop on safety management. The meeting was held in the Institute of Aviation. This year’s edition was dedicated to threat assessment, risk assessment and planning of activities. Observations of the functioning of SMS in aviation organisations after its first ‘express’ implementation in spring this […]

Defence of the first doctoral dissertation in the Institute of Aviation

The first public defence of the doctoral dissertation of M.Sc.Eng. Włodzimierz Gnarowski titled “Method for improving the maneuverability of a top-wing monoplane” took place on 17 November. The Doctoral Thesis Committee adopted the request for conferment of the academic degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in a secret ballot and informed the doctoral student of […]

The 5th Anniversary of the League of Friends of Polish Aviation

On its 5th Anniversary, the League of Friends of Polish Aviation is inviting everyone interested in taking part in two events planned for 21st November (Friday) and 22nd November 2014 (Saturday).   The 1st Congress of Model-Makers in the Capital with the participation of representatives of education, sport, aeroclubs, housing associations, as well as model-makers […]

Attractions at the 5th MINIB Forum

Live tweeting from the event, unmanned aerial vehicle flight – are among the attractions of the forthcoming 5th European Forum for Marketing of Scientific and Research Organisations. The Conference with the participation of Polish and foreign experts will take place on 20-21 November 2014 at the Institute of Aviation. This will be the first time […]

Convention of the IFAR Association Members in Zhuhai

On 8-12 November, 2014 near the town of Zhuhai in south-eastern China, the fourth meeting of the members of the IFAR (International Forum for Aviation Research) Association was took place, during which several meetings and visits were held. The Institute of Aviation also had a strong presence at the event. The priority points on the […]

Certificate of Appreciation for the Warsaw Technology Days

The Institute of Aviation received the Technology Ambassador Certificate in recognition of the help, active participation and co-organization of the 4th Warsaw Technology Days – “Warsaw – technology yesterday, today and tomorrow”. The Certificate of Appreciation received also Director of the Institute of Aviation – Prof. Witold Wiśniowski and PhD. Eng. Wiesław Krzymień for their […]

Space 2015 competitions under the Horizon 2020

The European Commission announced four competitions in the space sector under the Horizon 2020 Programme. Due to the announced competitions there was planned the Info Day which will take place in Warsaw on 25th November 2014. The submission session is now available for: H2020-PROTEC-2015: PROTECTION OF EUROPEAN ASSETS IN AND FROM SPACE-2015-LEIT SPACE H2020-EO-2015: EARTH […]

PhD thesis defense of M.Sc. Eng. Włodzimierz Gnarowski

The Institute of Aviation informs that on 17 November 2014 at 2.p.m. at the Institute of Aviation on Aleja Krakowska 110/114, in the auditorium located in X3 building will held the PhD thesis defense of MSc. Eng. Włodzimierz Gnarowski – “Method for improving the maneuverability of a top-wing monoplane”.

Conference on biofuels

On 29th October 2014 the Association National Chamber of Alternative Fuels organized a conference on changes in the law and their effects on biofuels. The conference was opened by the Chairman, Henryk Zamojski, who presented changes in the law enabling the production of liquid biohydrocarbons. During the conference were discussed mainly biofuels used in transport, […]

Rockets tests

On Saturday, 25th October at the military training area near Toruń, took place rockets tests carried out by the Missile Section of the Student Astronautical Circle. Two constructions were tested: A2 and H1. The first was fired two-stage rocket (A2), which belongs to test missiles. Students were keen on testing a new on-board computer, obtaining […]

Prof. Stefan Szczeciński has died

With a deep regret we announce the death of Prof. Assoc. Eng. Stefan Szczeciński – a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Aviation, a long-term employee of the Propulsion Department at the Institute of Aviation. Professor Szczeciński died tonight. Professor Stefan Szczeciński was born in 1927.  He got his first degree in […]

Aviation Book Festival 2014

From 16 till 26th October 2014 in Museum of Technology in Warsaw will take place the Aviation Book Festival. It will be a chance to familiarize yourself with the wide range of books published by the Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation and to meet special guests. At the stand of the Scientific Publishers […]

Visit of students from the Vocational Schools Complex in Koronowo

On 17-18th October in the vocational classes at the Institute of Aviation participated the group of students and teachers from the Gen. Stanisław Maczek Vocational Schools Complex in Koronowo. The visit was organized within the project: “Practical school 2”, no POKL,09.02.00-04-017/13. Young people had the opportunity to become acquainted with the profile and research activities […]

I Run of the Institute of Aviation

Sunny weather, excellent moods and the first records – I Run of the Institute of Aviation is behind us! On 19th October 2014, on Sunday, for the first time the Institute of Aviation organized the run on a distance of 5 km. The event gathered many aviation and running enthusiasts – a total of 400 […]

The XI Interacademic Engineering Aviation Workshops

On 25-29 September 2014 took place the XI Interacademic Engineering Aviation Workshops organized by the Association of Young Aviation Engineers. As every year the workshops’ attendees were hosted by the Academic Center for Glider in Bezmiechowa. The IEAW 2014 was attended by over 50 people. The following universities were represented: Warsaw University of Technology, Poznań […]

Invitation for the conference “Poland in space yesterday, today and tomorrow”

We invite you to participate in a conference organized jointly by the Foundation for the Support of Polish Astronautics and the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Sciences – “Poland in space yesterday, today and tomorrow”, which will take place on 13-14th November 2014 at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center of the Polish […]

Scientific conference „Safety on land, sea and air”

On 10th October 2014 at the Science and Research Centre for Fire Protection named Józef Tuliszkowski situated in Józefów near Warsaw took place a conference  “ Safety on land, sea and air in the XXI century“ which was aimed at the interdisciplinary safety issues. The conference organizers were: Science and Research Centre for Fire Protection […]

The 1st Run of the Institute of Aviation

On 19th October 2014, for the first time on the premises of the Institute of Aviation will be held an open run on a distance of 5 km. The winner will be awarded with the Cup of the Director of the Institute of Aviation. Engineering Design Center is the initiator of the event. The runners […]

Seminar of Vladimir Kasianov

On 9th October was held a seminar of Wladimir Kasianov – “The principle of maximum entropy in problems of subjective active safety systems”. The lecturer is a professor of the National Aviation University in Ukraine. The summary of today’s presentation of Wladimir Kasianov: In subjective analysis we encounter a problem of evaluation of an individual-subject […]

II edition of the Competition for the Prize named Prof. Jan Czochralski

The competition is aimed to promote the outstanding achievements of Professor Jan Czochralski and graduates of the first, second and third degrees, who have presented their Bachelor, Master and doctoral theses in the field of scientific and technical activities of Professor Jan Czochralski as well as other scientists carrying out the research works in this […]

Signing of the Diversity Charter

On 8th October, the Institute of Aviation and General Electric Company Polska became signatories of the Diversity Charter. The document was signed by: Professor Witold Wiśniowski – Director of the Institute of Aviation and Magdalena Nizik – Chairman of the Management Board of General Electric Company Polska. The initiator of the Diversity Charter in Poland […]

Institute of Aviation in Polish Aviation Club

On 3rd October 2014 the Institute of Aviation become officially a member of the Polish Aviation Club. The Polish Aviation Club is a discussion platform for information and opinion exchange as well as for promotion of aviation topics. Due to the membership in the Polish Aviation Club, the Institute of Aviation will be entitled to […]

Safety Management System Workshop

On 6th November 2014 at the Institute of Aviation will take place the workshop: “SMS – risk evaluation, risk assessment and planning the activites (lectures, presentations, exercises)”. The organizer is DZ-Consulting company. The workshop will cover the following topics: –   a short presentation of the methodical basis of the identification and evaluation of the risk, […]

Social Space Contest

Meeting the expectations of the Engineering Design Center employees the Institute of Aviation announces a competition for the development of building design in the system of modular construction with the arrangement of relaxation space dedicated to meetings and leisure. The new space is intended to be a relaxation place for engineers after working hours, alternative […]

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