
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Lotnictwa

dr hab. inż. Marcin Białas

Scientific interests:

Finite element method, thin-layer mechanics, fracture mechanics.

Most important publications:

  1. Białas M. (2012). Progressive frictional delamination of an infinite elastic film on a rigid substrate due to in-plane point loading. Journal of Elasticity, 108(2), 151–177.
  2. Białas M. (2008). Finite element analysis of stress distribution in thermal barrier coatings. Surface & Coatings Technology, 202(24), 6002–6010.
  3. Białas M., Majerus P.,  Herzog R., Mróz Z. (2005). Numerical simulation of segmentation cracking in thermal barrier coatings by means of cohesive zone elements. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 412(1-2), 241–251.
  4. Białas M., Mróz Z. (2005). Modelling of progressive interface failure under combined normal compression and shear stress. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 42(15), 4436–4467.
  5. Mróz Z., Białas M. (2005). A simplified analysis of interface failure under compressive normal stress and monotonic or cyclic shear loading. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 29(4), 337–368.

dr hab. inż. Marcin Białas

Zainteresowania naukowe:

Metoda elementów skończonych, mechanika cienkich warstw, mechanika pękania.

Najważniejsze publikacje:

  1. Białas M. (2012). Progressive frictional delamination of an infinite elastic film on a rigid substrate due to in-plane point loading. Journal of Elasticity, 108(2), 151–177.
  2. Białas M. (2008). Finite element analysis of stress distribution in thermal barrier coatings. Surface & Coatings Technology, 202(24), 6002–6010.
  3. Białas M., Majerus P.,  Herzog R., Mróz Z. (2005). Numerical simulation of segmentation cracking in thermal barrier coatings by means of cohesive zone elements. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 412(1-2), 241–251.
  4. Białas M., Mróz Z. (2005). Modelling of progressive interface failure under combined normal compression and shear stress. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 42(15), 4436–4467.
  5. Mróz Z., Białas M. (2005). A simplified analysis of interface failure under compressive normal stress and monotonic or cyclic shear loading. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 29(4), 337–368.
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