
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation

Promotion of Polish space projects at the S&TS COPUOS meeting in Vienna

Profesor Piotr Wolański podczas obrad Podkomitetu Naukowo-Technicznego w Wiedniu.

On February 11-22, 2019, Prof. Piotr Wolański, Chairman of the Space and Satellite Research Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences, chaired the Polish delegation at the meeting of the Scientific and Technical Subcommittee of the UN Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) in Vienna. In his presentation, Professor Wolański informed the […]

Economic mission in Israel

Misja gospodarcza w Izraelu

On January 27-30, 2019, a Polish economic mission to Israel (Tel Aviv) took place in order to establish a partnership between Polish and Israeli entities operating in the space sector. The Institute of Aviation was represented by Mariusz Kacprzak, head of the Remote Sensing Department. The event was attended by representatives of eight Polish entities […]

Defence of the doctoral thesis of Paweł Abratowski, M.Sc.

Obrona doktorska mgr. inż. Pawła Abratowskiego w Instytucie Lotnictwa

On February 12, 2019, a public defense of Paweł Abratowski’s PhD thesis on: “Numerical analysis of dynamic cooperation of the system: multi-barrelled machine gun – column” took place. The doctoral thesis is supervised by Prof. Wiesław Barnat from the Military University of Technology, and the auxiliary supervisor is Włodzimierz Gnarowski, PhD.,Eng. The Doctoral Commission decided […]

ASD Annual Meeting

On the 30th of January, 2019 the representative of the Institute of Aviation participated in the annual meeting of ASD (AeroSpace and Defense Industries Association of Europe) in Brussels. The event was  attended by over 150 members, who represented the aerospace industry active in the defense sector. An important subject of the meeting were the […]

Institute of Aviation participated in the development of modern helicopter rotors

The Institute of Aviation once again proved its competence in the field of services for the aviation industry. As part of the completed research project of the Gyro-Tech Innovation in Aviation Sp. z o.o., realized in cooperation with the Institute of Aviation, innovative helicopter rotors were developed. The tests showed their global quality and the […]

Christmas wishes

We wish you every happiness and joy this Christmas and throughout the year 2019.   Management and Employees of the Institute of Aviation

EREA Annual Event 2018

EREA Annual Event 2018

On 3rd December 2018 in Brussels, just like each year, the EREA Annual Event was held. The event is aimed at presenting the yearly activities and achievements of the Association of European Research Establishments in Aeronautics to the public, and offering an opportunity for discussions and face-to-face meetings of the stakeholders from the European aeronautics […]

9th IFAR Summit during 100th anniversary of TsAGI

IFAR Summit 2018

On 26-29th November, 2018 in Moscow, the 9th IFAR Summit was organized jointly with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Russian Aero-Hydrodynamic Institute TsAGI, which is also a member of the above-mentioned organization. Within the 4 days of the Conference, various thematic sessions and social events were organized. IFAR Summit was held under […]

ILR-33 Amber rocket engineers awarded a bronze medal at iENA Trade Fair in Nuremberg

iENA 2018 w Norymberdze | Fot. Agencja Promocyjna INVENTOR

On October 31st – November 3rd, 2018, Nuremberg hosted one of the largest and oldest specialist fairs in Europe devoted to inventions, ideas and new products: iENA International Trade Show “Ideas, Inventions, New Products”. Among the featured in this year’s edition were the designers of the ILR-33 Amber rocket which is developed at the Institute […]

Invitation for a meeting with Ryszard Witkowski

Spotkanie z Ryszardem Witkowskim

SALT Aviation in cooperation with the Institute of Aviation and Przegląd Lotniczy magazine invite you to a meeting with Mr. Ryszard Witkowski on the occasion of the resumption of his book: “Helicopters: construction and usage”. The meeting will take place on December 7, 2018 (Friday) at the Salt Aviation headquarters at Warsaw-Babice airport on Witold […]

ESA Director General has visited the Institute of Aviation

On November 20, 2018, the Institute of Aviation hosted a delegation from the European Space Agency and the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology. The main guest of the visit was the ESA General Director, Mr. Johann-Dietrich Wӧrner. This is the first visit of the director of the most important European space institution at the Institute […]

SAT-AM Annual Review Meeting

On November 14-15, 2018, the CIRA (Italian Aerospace Research Center) hosted the third annual meeting summarizing the implementation of the SAT-AM project (More Affordable Small Aircraft Manufacturing). The meeting was attended by representatives of: Clean Sky2, Evektor, Piaggo Aerospace and project partners, i.e. the Institute of Aviation (the coordinator), Polskie Zakłady Lotnicze, EUROTECH, SZEL-TECH Szeliga […]

InSight mission on Mars – the success of Polish technical thought

On November 26, 2018, the InSight landed Mars. A team of Polish engineers responsible for the construction of the KRET HP3 penetrator for testing subsurface layers was involved in the mission. The device was created in the Astronika company with the help of Polish scientific units, including the Institute of Aviation, where material tests on […]

Clean Space Industrial Days 2018

Engineers of the Center of Space Technologies participated in the ESA Clean Space Industrial Days 2018 event at ESTEC in the Netherlands on October 23-25, 2018. Representatives of the Institute of Aviation were invited by the European Space Agency to give a presentation on the progress in the field of engines for permanent propellants for […]

Plenary meeting of the Committee on Space Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences

On November 21, 2018 the Institute of Aviation hosted an open plenary session of the Committee on Space Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (CSRPAS) which was jointly opened by the chairman of the Committee, professor Piotr Wolański and director of the Institute of Aviation, Paweł Stężycki, PhD Eng. The special guest of the […]

9th European Forum for Marketing of Scientific and Research Organizations

The Institute of Aviation for the ninth time hosted science marketing experts during the European Forum of Marketing of Scientific and Research Institutions that was held on November 15-16, 2018. The event gathered over 80 participants from Poland and abroad. The conference organized by the Institute of Aviation is the only such platform for presenting […]

Bird/Wildlife Strike Prevention Conference with MSRC employees

The World Birdstrike Association together with the Civil Aviation Office organize an international conference “Bird / Wildlife Strike Prevention” which will be held on November 19-21, 2018. The conference will be devoted to reducing the risks to air traffic associated with the occurrence and activity of animals. The event will take place at the Club […]

Former ICAS president visiting the Institute of Aviation

Wizyta dr Susan X. Ying. | Susan X. Ying visiting the Institiute of Aviation

Susan X. Ying, PhD, a former president of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS), and currently vice president of the Californian technology company Ampaire providing solutions for electric aircraft visited the Institute of Aviation on November 15, 2018. The meeting was aimed at identifying potential areas of cooperation. For this purpose, a presentation […]

Visit of representatives of Turkish research and development institutions

Wizyta tureckiej delegacji w Instytucie Lotnictwa | Turkish delegation at the Institute of Aviation

On October 27, 2018, the Institute of Aviation held a Polish-Turkish meeting of representatives of research institutes, administration and science. The Turkish side was represented by scientific and managing staff from Izmir Institute of Technology and Teknopark Izmir. The meeting was aimed at providing an overview on the activity of the Turkish institutions, familiarizing Turkish […]

The Institute of Aviation has undertaken actions for innovation in the energy sector

Fot. Energa | Photo credit: Energa

M. Faraday Research and Development Center (CBRF) established by the Energa Group, has started cooperation with the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw in the field of joint research and development projects. Thanks to this cooperation, innovative solutions that will help to provide the Group’s clients with high quality services and new products will be developed. […]

Institute of Aviation has established a scientific cooperation with Tsinghua University and Beijing Xiao Bing Technical Innovative Center

Fot. Instytut Lotnictwa | Photo credit: Institute of Aviation

A Chinese delegation from Tsinghua University and Beijing Xiao Bing Technical Innovative Center visited the Institute of Aviation on October 26th, 2018. The purpose of the meeting was to establish scientific cooperation between the Institute of Aviation and the invited parties. The contract specifying the terms of the information exchange was signed by: Paweł Stężycki […]

Technologies of the future. Space industry – conference at the Presidential Palace

Technologie przyszłości. Przemysł kosmiczny. Fot. Instytut Lotnictwa

On October 22, 2018 the Presidential Palace organized a conference dedicated to the space industry with the special participation of the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda. The Institute of Aviation marked its presence at the event by presenting the flagship project of the Center of Space Technologies – the ILR-33 “Amber” rocket […]

The products of the Institute of Aviation at the “Per aspera ad astra” exhibition

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Polish independence the Warsaw University of Technology opened an exhibition “Per aspera ad astra” presenting the cross-section of the most interesting constructions and achievements of Polish aviation and astronautics. Among the presented exhibits the latest constructions of the Institute of Aviation are presented: ILR-33 “Amber” rocket, SUDIL […]

More than 43.000 visitors at the 9th Night at the Institute of Aviation

The Institute of Aviation once again attracted crowds of visitors during its flagship event – the 9th Night at the Institute of Aviation. This year, more than 43,000 aviation and space enthusiasts came to the party – it is 6.000 people more than last year! The event was widely and positively discussed in the media, […]

Progress in the ILR-33 AMBER project

In October 2017, Warsaw Institute of Aviation’s ILR-33 Amber rocket was in-flight validated for the first time, thus becoming the world’s first rocket utilizing in flight H2O2 of concentration exceeding 98%. After confirmation of nominal operation of critical subsystems, Institute of Aviation proceeded to the next stage of the rocket’s development. Recent activities were aimed […]

Visit of EASA Executive Director Patrick Ky in the Institute of Aviation

On 21st September 2018, the Institute of Aviation hosted Mr. Patrick Ky, Executive Director of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). During his one-day visit to Poland, Mr. Patrick Ky met with the Managing Director of the Institute of Aviation Mr. Paweł Stężycki, Managing Director GE Company Polska Mr. Marian Lubieniecki and several employees of […]

EREA Young Researchers Event on Urban Air Mobility

Photo credit: EREA@CEiiA

At the end of August 2018, the Portuguese Institute CEIIA in Porto became the venue for the EREA Young Researchers Event. The main theme of this year’s event was Urban Air Mobility. The event was addressed to EREA Young Researchers and Executive Secretariat with the aim to facilitate the networking among research staff of EREA […]

Invite your friends for EDC Hackathon 2018 – Flight Simulator

On Friday, October 12th, the 2nd edition of EDC Hackathon will take place at EDC during the 9th Night at the Institute of Aviation. This year teams comprised of software and hardware developers will try to make their own cockpits fully functional and responsive and use them for the simulation of Cessna 172SP take off. […]

Justyn Sandauer has passed away

We are sad to announce that on July 15, 2018, at the age of 94, Justyn Sandauer passed away – a glider and an airplane pilot, a glider constructor, an expert on flight tests of aircraft. Mr. Sandauer was born in Lviv. During World War II he was deported to Austria for forced labor. After […]

Civil research institutes for national defense

On July 18, 2018, the Main Council of Research Institutes in cooperation with the Ministry of National Defense organized a conference: “Civil research institutes for national defense”. The Institute of Aviation was represented by the director of the Center of Space Technologies, Leszek Loroch, PhD Eng. The aim of the conference was to present solutions […]

Helicopters: construction and usage

The Publishing Houses of the Institute of Aviation has released a new book “Helicopters: construction and usage” by Ryszard Witkowski. The author of the publication – the only Pole awarded the Gold Rotorcraft Medal (2017) – presents the basic and advanced information about helicopters in a comprehended way. The book discusses the terminology, the history […]

Institute of Aviation celebrated American Independence Day

On July 5, 2018, the 242nd anniversary of the United States Declaration of Independence was celebrated at the residence of the US ambassador in Warsaw. At the invitation of the US Embassy, in the event took part Joanna Cygler – director’s plenipotentiary for the organization of scientific research at the Institute of Aviation. The event […]

61st session of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space

Representatives of the Institute of Aviation participated in the 61st session of the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) that was held on June 25-26 in Vienna. The delegation was comprised of: professor Piotr Wolański – the chairman of the Committee on Space Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences […]

International Drone Event 2018

The first international event in Poland devoted exclusively to the UAV industry “International Drone Event – annual” was held on June 21-22, 2018 in the Congress Center Targi Kielce. The aim of the event was to present the latest technological solutions and to indicate the directions of development for the UAV industry. The conference, the […]

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