
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation

Public defence of a doctoral dissertation by M.Sc. Eng. Zbigniew Skorupka

The Institute of Aviation in Warsaw informs that on 22 February 2016 (Monday) at 11:00 a.m. at the Institute of Aviation, al. Krakowska 110/114 in conference room no 4 in the Center of the Innovative Aeronautical and Space Technologies (X2 building) a public defence of mgr inż. Zbigniew Skorupka will be held. The doctoral dissertation […]

Mars lecture

On 11 January 2016 a meeting with high school students from II Salezjańskie Liceum Ogólnokształcące im. ks. A. Czartoryskiego in Mińsk Mazowiecki was held. Dr Natalia Zalewska, a geologist from the Institute of Aviation and Space Research Centre participated in the meeting. During the lesson students learned more about conditions on the red planet and […]

Opening of largest Gas Turbine Center in Europe

The official opening of the Gas Turbine Center will take place on 20 January 2016 at 11:00 a.m. Thereby, Warsaw, Poland and Europe will gain a unique research and design centre as regards to new repair technologies for all types of gas turbines – both for aviation and the energy sector. Among the guests that have […]

Christmas meeting of aviation seniors

On Sunday, 10 January 2016, at the Institute of Aviation was held an annual Christmas meeting with the participation of aviation seniors. It was an opportunity to make wishes and to summarize the past year. The guests were welcomed by the director of the Institute of Aviation, professor Witold Wiśniowski.  

Three scientific journals received a positive evaluation

On the basis of the decision of the Minister of Science and Higher Education (bulletin from 23 December 2015) scientific articles published in the quarterlies: “Transactions of the Institute of Aviation” and “Marketing for Scientific and Research Organizations” will be awarded 9 points. Authors publishing their articles in the “Fatigue of Aircraft Structures” will receive […]

HESOFF: monitoring of vegetation cycle

In September the last photogrammetric flight (in 2015) over oak stands in Krotoszyn Plateu was completed. The flight was held under HESOFF project.  We are currently analyzing multispectral images, especially we are looking for remote sensing indices that describe whole vegetation cycle. First we have tried to develop and estimate the defoliation rate remote sensing […]

Business Cheetah 2014

In connection with excellent financial results and recognition on the Polish and international markets, the Institute of Aviation was awarded the prestigious title of “Business Cheetah 2014”. The ranking was prepared by InfoCredit business intelligence commissioned by the Instytut Nowoczesnego Biznesu.  

The Institute of Aviation a recognized business partner

The Institute of Aviation was among the most dynamic and efficient companies in Poland. This distinction of “Effective Company 2014” confirms the effectiveness of measures taken for the Institute’s development. New investments and research infrastructure development boost competitiveness not only on the Polish market, but also worldwide.

Brussels Innova 2015: Institute’s of Aviation invention awarded gold medal

The engineers team of the Institute of Aviation was awarded gold medal for the invention: „Compact digital radar altimeter with integrated antenna”. The award was granted at the world exhibition on inventions, research and new technologies Innova which was held 19-21 November 2015 in Brussels. The invention was mentioned in Eureka Competition. The radar altimeter […]

„Poland in space” conference 2015

The Institute of Aviation hosted the participants of the “Poland in space” conference. It is the third edition of the biggest conference aimed at space sector in Poland. The invited guests discussed on the condition and future of Polish space sector. The conference was held on 26-27 November 2015. The first day of the conference […]

Institute of Aviation joined „Just Culture” declaration

The Institute of Aviation signed the „Just Culture” declaration which is aimed at increasing safety in civil aviation. “Safety is of paramount importance to the public but also to the aviation industry” –  European Corporate Just Culture Declaration The agreement refers to the European Corporate Just Culture Declaration signed on 1st October 2015 in Brussels […]

6th European Forum “Marketing of Scientific and Research Organizations”

110 participants from 7 countries attended this year’s conference dedicated to marketing of scientific and research organizations, which was held at the Institute of Aviation from 19th to 20th November 2015. Representatives of research institutions and universities had a unique opportunity to become familiar with the current trends in science marketing, as well as to […]

TFAST – Transition Location Effect on Shock Wave Boundary Layer Interaction

The main objective of the TFAST project was to study the effect of laminar-turbulent transition location on the structure of interaction. The main question was how close the induced transition may be to the shock wave while still maintaining a typical turbulent character of interaction. The main study cases – shock waves on wings/profiles, turbine […]

The First in Poland Gas Turbine Center

The Institute of Aviation together with Polish universities is creating a common space to conduct a variety of scientific research and tests in the field of energy and aviation. The Gas Turbine Center will be built under joint cooperation. The project has now entered its final phase of implementation. The building of the new center […]

Habilitation of Andrzej Krzysiak

The Council of the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology has given a post-doctoral degree in technical sciences in the discipline of machine construction and operation to Andrzej Krzysiak, PhD. Eng. who is employed at the Aerodynamic Department at the Institute of Aviation. The science achievements of Andrzej Krzysiak […]

Martian lecture on Campus Seminar

Natalia Zalewska, PhD, a specialist in the field of geological exploration on Mars, represented the Institute of Aviation at the worldwide, prestigious conference for teachers. The second edition of the event took place on 26th October in Warsaw. Campus Seminar is an event of international scope, which at the same time takes place in Finland, […]

Minister of Economy Award for Director of the Institute of Aviation

On 19th October in the House of Technology in Warsaw was held a scientific and technical conference: “The role of scientific and technical associations and the Museum of Technology in Warsaw in protecting and promoting the national material heritage”. At the beginning of the conference the honorary merit for the economic development of the Republic […]

3rd Conference „Poland in space”

We invite you to participate in the 3rd edition of the “Poland in space” conference which will be held on November, 26-27th at the Institute of Aviation. We encourage you to give a short lecture or poster presentation, which will fall into the theme of one of the six sessions. Sessions: • Benefits and prospects […]

The 6th Night at the Institute of Aviation

30 000 guests visited the Institute of Aviation during the annual event which promotes aviation, space technologies and engineering jobs. This is an absolute attendance record throughout our series of the event! The event “Night at the Institute of Aviation” attracted not only the attention of fans from Warsaw, but also from all Masovian voivodeship.The attendance […]

Wiadomości on Bursztyn rocket

The main news program on Polish public television – Wiadomości – broadcast material on the “Bursztyn” rocket – the flagship project of the Center for Space Technologies of the Institute of Aviation. The material by Milena Kruszniewska is available here (starts: 23:07 min).

2nd Run of the Institute of Aviation

This Sunday at 12 p.m. the 2nd Run of the Institute of Aviation will start. We invite fans to come and cheer the players during our event! 500 competitors will take part in the main race of a distance of 5 km and 100 younger runners will face the special route of the “Run of […]

9th conference “Development Trends in Space Propulsion Systems”

One more time the Institute of Aviation was the organizer of the international conference devoted to space propulsion systems. This year’s edition was held on October 7-8th and gathered 50 representatives of science from Poland, Ukraine, Italy, Germany and France. The Director of the Institute of Aviation – prof. Witold Wiśniowski  officially opened the conference. […]

12th Intercollegiate Aviation Engineering Workshops in Bezmiechowa

On September 17-21, with the sponsorship support of the Institute of Aviation, held the 12th Intercollegiate Aviation Engineering Workshops in Bezmiechowa. As every year, workshops were organized by the Association of Young Aviation Engineers. The IAEW is an event focused on the theme of UAV’s and it gathered scientific, academic and military representatives across the […]

5th CEAS Air & Space Conference

On September, 7-11 in Delft, Holland the 5th CEAS Air and Space Conference took place. One of the points of the conference was to vote on the election of the organizer of the next meeting of the CEAS. The main candidates were: Bucharest, Warsaw and Moscow. At the conference were presented about 175 papers from […]

ICAS 2015

The 2015 ICAS Workshop and Programme Committee Meeting was held in Krakow. The aim of the committee meeting was to make preparations for the upcoming ICAS Congress which is planned to be in September in Deajeon, South Korea. The organizer of this year’s meeting was the Polish Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics,  chaired by the […]

6th Night at the Instiute of Aviation

On October 16th, the Institute of Aviation will organize the “6thNight at the Institute of Aviation”, the largest educational event in Warsaw, whose aim is to promote aerospace sector in Poland and engineering professions. The event will be held from 5 pm. till 11 pm. at the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw. Admission is free […]

Summation of the MSPO 2015 in Kielce

The International Defence Industry Exhibition was a great success for the Institute of Aviation. During the fair many contractors and army representatives showed interest in cooperation with the Institute. This year at the Institute’s stand were presented: the unmanned plane ILX-32 “MOSUPS” and the experimental rocket ILR-33 “Bursztyn”. Three preliminary agreements were signed with the […]

Enrollment for the 2nd Run of the Institute of Aviation

The date of the second edition of the Run of the Institute of Aviation has been already set. The 5 km run will start on 11th October 2015 at 12 pm. The official enrollment will start on 4th September 2015 at 12 pm on the website: www.bieginstytutulotnictwa.pl. This year’s run will proceed the biggest educational […]

Institute of Aviation at the defense fairs in Kielce

We invite to visit the Institute of Aviation’s stand at the 23rdInternational  Defense Industry Exhibition in Kielce. The event starts on 1st September and will last four days. Fairs in Kielce are one of the most important defense industry events in this part of Europe with the presence of the biggest defense companies worldwide. Among […]

European patent

The Institute of Aviation was granted a European patent for a method for quick estimation of aeroelastic characteristics during in-flight flutter tests. The patent was granted by the European Patent Office on 12th August 2015. The inventors of the method are: Antoni Niepokólczycki, Ph.D. Eng. – leader of the project and research team, Franciszek Lenort, […]

Air Show Radom 2015

Once again, on August 22-23 in Radom was held the International Air Show 2015 which was attended by pilots from 20 countries. More than 250 aircraft – both civilian and military – were presented. Participants had the opportunity not only to admire and to photograph the amazing air acrobatics, but also to see vehicles belonging […]

Safety and reliability in aviation

On the eve of the Air Show 2015 in Radom the participants of the research and scientific institutions gathered at the conference: “Safety and reliability in aviation. The development of aviation in regions” (August, 21-22). The Institute of Aviation was represented by the Director of the Center of Space Technologies – Leszek Loroch, Ph.D. Eng., […]

The summary of stay of third group of Ohio State University students

Once again the Institute of Aviation hosted a group o students from the Ohio State University. For several months were with us: Erich, Jordan, Patrick and Samantha, who at the time of their research training were employed at the Center for Space Technology. During the seminar they gave us the conclusions of their work and […]

Gas Turbine Center of Excellence

May 13th witnessed the inauguration of the Gas Turbine Center of Excellence construction, the newest investment of the Institute of Aviation. The modernization and construction  project of the new research infrastructure of the consortium comprised of the Institute of Aviation, the Military Academy of Technology and the Warsaw University of Technology is aimed at enabling […]

15th Polish-American Conference on Science and Technology

The 15th Polish-American Conference on Science and Technology took place on the 28-29 of May 2015 in Columbus, Ohio. The conference was hosted by the Ohio State University, the co-organizer on the American side. More than 40 people attended from the Polish side, and a similar number from the American side. The Institute of Aviation […]

Symposium of Young Researchers

On May 20, representatives of the Remote Sensing Division took part in a poster session at the Symposium of Young Researchers – an event organized by the Faculty of Physics (Warsaw University). The poster included the work results on the remote detection of biodiversity conducted in the Remote Sensing Division within the HESOFF project. Apart […]

Relation from the Night of Robots

On May 22th, representatives of the Remote Sensing Division of the Institute of Aviation (Center for Space Technologies) took part in the Night of Robots – an event organized by the Industrial Research Institute for Automation and Measurements in Warsaw. Many space attractions were awaiting for all participants! Mini-aircraft models powered by energy from photovoltaic […]

Public defence of a doctoral dissertation by M.Sc. Eng. Wit Stryczniewicz

On May 27th at the Faculty of Mechatronics and Aviation of the Military University of Technology a public defence of a doctoral dissertation of Wit Stryczniewicz, M.Sc.Eng, employee of the Aerodynamic Department of the Institute of Aviation was held. The title of a dissertation is: “Investigation of out-of-plane heat diffusion process in thin layer graphite […]

Summation of the „European Oak Decline Phenomenon” conference

The Institute of Aviation and the Forest Research Institute were organizers of an international conference „European Oak Decline Phenomenon – causes, monitoring and possible mitigation measures”. The aim of the meeting was to present the progress of the HESOFF project, focused on the integration of up-to-date technologies with innovative methods of forests cultivation. The project […]

The 15th anniversary of the Engineering Design Center – Jubilee Gala

On May, 7th was held a jubilee Gala on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Engineering Design Center, which was founded on the premises of the Institute of Aviation. In the meeting with the EDC employees took part a special guest – Jeff Immelt, Chairman of the Board and GE Chief Executive Officer. […]

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