
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation

ESPOSA meeting at the Institute of Aviation

26 and 27 March 2013 at the Institute of Aviation met participants of ESPOSA project (Efficient Systems and Propulsion for Small Aircraft). The purpose of the meeting was to present the current results of the tasks in the SP6 and SP7 subprojektach. They relate to the technical aspects of building the engine and work package […]

Marta Rojek in the government program “Top 500 Innovators”

M.Sc. Eng. Marta Rojek, a scientist from the Institute of Aviation were qualified in the third edition of the government’s project “Top 500 Innovators”. In April, Mrs. Rojek will travel to the two-month internship in one of the most important scientific centers in the worldt. Through lectures led by prominent practitioners, creative workshops and visits […]

Debut of the airship “Infinity”

The Institute of Aviation in Warsaw and the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering of Warsaw University of Technology have financed a project to build the airship and provided scientific assistance to students, members of the Science Club of Aviators on the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering who are participating in it. The result […]

Air Cargo Workshop soon

23 April 2013 at Katowice International Airport will take place AIR CARGO WORKSHOP, which will be organized by consortia Baltic.AirCargo.Net and CargoMap. The objective of the workshop is to preent discuss the outputs of Baltic.AirCargo.Net and CargoMap projects. Baltic.AirCargo.Net project The project aims at enhancing operating environment in air cargo sector by: providing airport regions […]

The Institute of Aviation participated in prestigious project Atlante

Atlante – spanish tactical unmanned air vehicle completed a successful its first flight on 28 February 2013 at the airport Rozas in northern Spain. In the Landing Gear Department of the Institute in Warsaw were tested static and dynamic Altante’s landing gear for CESA, the Spanish company that develops and produces components for the aerospace […]

Internship at the Institute of Aviation helps in professional career

Dorian S. Lachowicz, a graduate of the Opole University of Technology, held a internship in the the Institute of Aviation, in the gyroplane and in the turbine engine with detonation combustion chamber team. The experience gained during the stay in the institute proved to be very important for his career. Thanks to it Hitachi has […]

The Institute of Aviation participates in a new ESA project

1 February 2013, the Space Technologies Group of the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw started work on the next research project for the European Space Agency (ESA). It is carried out under the PECS-3 “Research of the composite catalyst bed for decomposition of highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide to be applied in monopropellant thruster” and will […]

Prof. Mirko Hornung visited the Institute of Aviation

26 February 2013 Professor Mirko Hornung from the Aircraft Design Institute of the Technische Universität München visited the laboratories of the Institute of Aviation. Young specialists Anna Mazur and Kamil Sobczak presented the projects in the field of space technology. Professor Hornung visited Warsaw at the invitation of the Polish Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics. […]

The Institute of Aviation is one of the founders of the „Polish Space Industry Association”

Institute of Aviation in Warsaw is one of the founders of the „Polish Space Industry Association”. The organization aims to consolidate the business community, research centers and organizations interested in the exploitation and exploration of space and conducting of research and implementation of products and technologies for space applications. Union members set themselves a goal […]

New hovercraft is being developed in the Institute of Aviation

In the Institute of Aviation was developed a concept of a new hovercraft. It will be the another vehicle of the series initiated by PRP-560, and PRC-600. The new facility will have a new, more powerful engine, a bigger fan and capacity. It is planned to build a versions for twelve passengers. Symbol PRI-750 is […]

A new measurement system in the wind tunnel T-1

Recently research potential of wind tunnel T-1 (measuring the diameter 1.5 m) was poorly exploited. But the rest time is over. By the end of February in the tunnel T-1 will be implemented PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) system. It is an optical system for measuring three components of velocity in one of choosen planes. Its […]

EDC joined the internship program “Grasz o staż”

This year Engineering Design Center joined the internship program “Grasz o staz”. EDC offers two three-months paid internships. From 4th of February students can apply and win an internship in Aviation/Power&Water or Oil&Gas teams. More about program you can learn here

Vladimir Kasianov „Subjective entopy of preferences”

Soon, the Scientific Publications Division of the Institute of Aviation will publish “Subjective entopy of preferences” by Vladimir Kasianov. But now, you can read the biography of the professor, the introduction to the book, table of contents and read the first chapter of the publication. “Subjective entopy of preferences” will be available for purchase in […]

New laboratory in the Center of New Technologies

January 29, 2013, the Director of the Institute of Aviation established new laboratory in the structure of the Center of New Technologies: the Laboratory of Demonstrators of Technology. New team will build demonstrators of technology as well as carry out their research in the real world. Director of the Institute of Aviation entrusted the managing […]

Presentation of the PRC-600M on a frozen lake

PhD Eng. Krzysztof Szafran performed a promotion test of the PRC-600M, hovercraft designed in the Institute of Aviation on a frozen lake in Lubniewice. The first flights have provided a lot of excitement, because suddenly became dark and the fog surrounded the hovercraft. The pilot almost blindly came to the coast. The presentation, which took […]

Starlet preliminary review meeting

22, January 2013 in the Institute of Aviation held STARLET preliminary review meeting. STARLET is a project co-financed by the Clean Sky Joint Undertaking and the Institute of Aviation with support from the Ministry of Science. The Project programme was defined in an answer to Clean Sky Call for Proposal STARLET project objective is to […]

Professor Piotr Wolański among most outstanding Polish scientists

December 19, 2012, the Minister of Science and Higher Education has honored the most outstanding Polish scholars and academics. Statues for scientific achievements and financial rewards went to the greatest in their disciplines, researchers, explorers of new technologies, the authors of the theories and scientific works. Prof. Piotr Wolański was awarded for lifetime scientific achievement. […]

The 6th conference “Fatigue of Aircraft Structures”

10-11, January 2013 held the 6th conference “Fatigue of Aircraft Structures”. Topics of papers were non-destructive testing, innovative sensors of structures condition, corrosion processes, fatigue tests as well as analysis and calculations of fatigue spectra. There was a total 17 speakers, including two from the Slovak Technical University in Košice. List of papers is available […]

“Polish Advaentures in Technology” available soon

With the financial involvement of the city Stalowa Wola soon you can buy Bolesław Orłowskis “English Adventures in Technology” – the book published by the Institute of Aviation  Scientific Publications Division.  In the book author presents the achievements of polish engineers, inventors and managers.

New test stand for rocket engines in the Institute of Aviation soon.

Team of the Space Technology Department of the Institute of Aviation currently is working on new test stand for testing of new rocket engines with thrust up to 5 kN . The project of new test stand is conducted parallel with demonstrator of hybrid rocket motor. This stand will be adaptable to all types of […]

Institute of Aviation is working on the Demonstrator of Hybrid Rocket Engine

Space Technology Department of the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw conducts research on demonstrator of hybrid rocket engine. The considered propellant consists of HTPB with additives (to increase performances) formed to fuel grains and highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide in HTP class (concentrate to 98%) as a oxidizer. Design thrust is assess on 100N under sea-level […]

Institut of Aviation in european space project PULCHER

At the beginning of 2013, Laboratory of Space Technology of the Institute of Aviation will begin work on a new project in FP7 SPACE, called PulCheR (Pulsed Chemical Rocket with Green High Performance Propellants).  It is a new propulsion concept in which the propellants are fed in the combustion chamber at low pressure and the thrust […]

Experimental hovercraft with observation system

On Wednesday, December 5, 2012 in the Institute of Aviation has been tested observation system installed on the specially prepared experimental hovercraft PRC-600. Air pump connected to the mast allows the ejecting of mast segments. At the top of the mast was installed a head equipped with a camera that can be moved along three […]

Young researchers from the Institute of Aviation in European Parliment

3 December 2012 Marta Rojek and Ewelina Szpakowska-Peas represented the Institute of Aviation on the EREA Young Researchers Event 2012, which held at the European Parliament in Brussels. Main topics of the meeting were: the safety of aviation and the career development of young scientists. In addition to the speaches of members of the association […]

Dr Michael Banzakein visited the Institute of Aviation

December 5, 2012 Dr. Michael Benzakein, Director of Propulsion and Power Center at Ohio State University in the United States was a guest of the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw. He met representatives of the Institute of Aviation and the Warsaw University of Technology. The purpose of the visit of eminent builder of jet engines […]

Stress measurements with X-ray diffractometry

The joint initiative of Andrzej Wojtas (METLAB), Institute of Aviation and the Ligh Metal Division OML Skawina (the part of Institute of Non-ferrous Metals IMN, Gliwice) develops. The second meeting of scientists specializing in stress measurements with X-ray diffractometry took place in the OML in Skawina. To the group the new members joined: Faculty of […]

9th conference International Conference on Residual Stresses (ICRS9)

On the 06-09th of October Elzbieta Gadalińska took part in the 9th conference  International Conference on Residual Stresses (ICRS9), which was organized in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. The conference concerned the standard diffraction methods (X-ray, neutron and synchrotron radiation)  as well as strain gauges methods and new or developed methods like ultrasonic and hole-drilling methods. During the […]

New Laboratory in EDC Poland

6 November 2012 Director of the Institute of Aviation established the Bearings Testing Laboratory in the structure of EDC Poland. New research unit will work for General Electric. Bearings Testing Laboratory will be led by Mr Paweł Szuchnik, who worked before in the Landing Gear Laboratory in the Institute of Aviation.

Professor Zaporozhets visited the Institute of Aviation

November 23, 2012 Professor Oleksandr Zaporozhets from the National Aviation University NAU, Kiev visited the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw. There were many reasons for the visit. The most important of these was the project FATIMA (Facilitating The Environmental Impact Management at small to medium-sized Airports), environmental management system for small and medium-sized airports, which […]

3rd Forum for Marketing of Scientific and Research Organizations

On 15 – 16 November held the 3rd European Forum for Marketing of Scientific and Research Organizations organized by the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw. On the first day, participants listened to lectures of leading researchers and practitioners in the field of implementation of scientific research, building a reputation online, to create cooperation between business […]

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