On 17 and 18 May Aviation Cluster, coordinated by the Institute of Aviation, was present at the Air Fair 2013 in Bydgoszcz – one of the most important aviation events in Poland. VII International Exhibition Everything for Aviation Air Fair 2013 brought together representatives of companies, institutions, military, police, as well as universities and research institutions.
Apart from these, there were also representatives of private companies in industries such as defense, telecommunications, optics, and electronics. On the first day of the event, cluster stand met with interest both potential contributors, as well as individuals. Most of the questions rained on the hovercraft and an unmanned helicopter – a robot for special tasks – ILX-27. At the cluster stand models of machines, designed and built at the Institute of Aviation: hovercraft PRP-760 and I-28 gyro could be seen. Cluster stand was also present during the second day of the exhibition, open for the public. Air Fair 2013 Exhibition was held at the Military Aviation Plant No. 2,ul. Szubinska 107