Acoustic tests

Acoustics covers issues related to the formation, propagation and impact of acoustic waves. Acoustic measurements make it possible to determine the sources of sound or its intensity.

Acoustic tests – testing capabilities

Within the framework of the acoustics measurements we carry out, we primarily use the method of localizing sound sources by means of the so-called acoustic camera. The scope of the acoustic tests offer also includes the method of determining the sound power levels of noise sources based on sound intensity measurements according to ISO 9614-1 and ISO 9614-2 standards, as well as determining sound levels and occupational noise exposure in the working environment by measuring the sound pressure level according to the  PN-EN ISO 9612 standard.

Acoustic tests – scope

  • location of sound sources,
  • determining the sound power level,
  • sound intensity measurements,
  • sound pressure level measurements.

Acoustic tests – equipment

  • MicrodB HDCamV2 acoustic camera (36 microphones),
  • R.A.S. intensity probe. 50AI-L,
  • R.A.S. surface microphone. 40LS (thickness 2.5mm),
  • free field microphones 1” PCB 377 B02,
  • portable sound and vibration analyzer SVAN 912AE.