
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Lotnictwa

Non-destructive tests

Visual method

Penetration method

Eddy current method

Magnetic powder method

Ultrasonic method

X-ray computed tomography (RT/CT)

We have many years of experience in the implementation of non-destructive tests, enabling the assessment of the material condition, necessary to ensure the reliability of the structure. The idea of non-destructive testing is to detect and determine the configuration, distribution, and size of defects arising in the production process and during operation, both in relation to complete structures and their components, as well as semi-finished products.

Typical examples of detected defects are:

  • fatigue cracks,
  • corrosion,
  • blisters
  • inclusions,
  • leaks,
  • welding defects.

The personnel performing non-destructive testing is qualified and certified in accordance with PN-EN ISO 9712 “Non-destructive testing – Qualification and certification of non-destructive testing personnel”.

The scope of our offer includes the following non-destructive testing methods:

  • eddy current tests (ET),
  • penetration tests (PT),
  • ultrasonic tests (UT),
  • magnetic-particle tests (MT),
  • visual tests (VT),
  • X-ray computed tomography (RT/CT).

Non-destructive testing – certificates

  • accreditation AB 792 – PN-EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2018,
  • personnel certificates in the field of non-destructive testing.

We develop methodology and tests at various stages of the production process, in industrial, field and laboratory conditions. We perform ad hoc tests and non-standard non-destructive condition diagnostics, including preparation of instructions and technical descriptions.

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