
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Lotnictwa


The Science and Technology Library (established in 1926) can be considered the central aviation library in Poland in terms of the subjects, nature of the collection and its size. Its collection contains some 80,000 volumes, which together with Polish and foreign scientific and technology journals gathered for many years (approx-imately 18,000 volumes) ranks it among the best supplied libraries attached to research and development establishments in Poland. The Library subscribes to some 90 domestic and foreign titles. Its collection also includes nearly 5,500 microfilms of scientific papers and publications, and company advertising materials. The Library also has aviation collections donated from abroad, e.g. the library of Czesław Zbierański, the well-known aviation designer.

The basic subjects covered by the largely unique collection of the Science and Technology Library include: aviation, aircraft, heli-copters, aerodynamics, thermo and gas dynamics, mechanics, light mechanics, strength of materials, aviation engine pistons and jet, aviation instruments and equipment, mathematics, information science and computers, and aviation and astronautics as well as aviation model making.

In February 2011 the computerization of catalogs was initiated. The Library purchased the library system “Mateusz” (Matthew) used for cataloging different types of library materials, registration of loans, operating and maintaining the central database of registered readers in the library and supporting other operations (e.g. conducting scontrum, support for reading, books receipt etc.). In early March 2011 the Library started co-operation with the NUKAT (a union katalog of Polish academic and research libraries).

The following catalogues are available in the Library:

  • online catalogue [books archived after 2001],
  • alphabetic catalogue of books [books archived up to 2011],
  • alphabetic catalogue of periodicals,
  • systematic catalogue of books according to UKD (detailed division according to disciplines) [books archived up to 2011].

In addition, the Library also offers on inter library lending service (in cooperation with higher schools, research and scientific institutes and other civilian and military institutions) and sends photocopies of articles published in periodicals.

It should be stressed that, apart from the employees of the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation and the cooperating EDC and GE groups, and the neighbouring EADS-PZL production plant, the Science and Technology Library is also used by academics, students and pupils of the aviation secondary school. The Library, which gradually took over the duties of the Sector Scientific and Technical Information Center, offers assistance to students writing papers and theses. This assistance is not limited to the collection of the Library, but includes consultations. It is worth adding that the collection of the Library is also used by aviation historians, makers of historic aircraft replicas and aviation modellers. Of course, apart from books on aviation and general engineering subjects, the Library also orders books and periodicals in such areas as administration, management, accounting, OHS etc. which are needed in the day-to-day work of the Institute.

The Science and Technology Library
Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation
al. Krakowska 110/114
02-256 Warsaw
e-mail: bibl[at]ilot.lukasiewicz.gov.pl

Library Regulations

Opening hours:
Monday – Friday
9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Head of Library
Kamila Kaczyńska, MSc.
e-mail: kamila.kaczynska@ilot.lukasiewicz.gov.pl

Katalog on-line

biblioteka nauki

Incas Bulletin


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