
Sieć Badawcza Łukasiewicz – Instytut Lotnictwa



1 sierpnia 1926
August 1, 1926

Although the history of the Institute stretches back to the re-establishment of Poland’s national sovereignty after a First World War, officially, the Institute began its operations on 1st August 1926. From its early days until the beginning of the Second World War, the Institute operated under the name of the Institute of Aviation Technical Research.

1926 – 1939
1926 – 1939
Certification of Polish aircraft

Before the Second World War, all Polish military airplanes were tested and certified by the Institute. Soon it became a leading research center in Poland and a spring of innovative thought that pushed back the frontiers of the aviation industry.

1939 – 1945
1939 – 1945

Rapid growth of the Institute was curtailed by the events of 1939. Although during the war the activity of the Institute was disrupted, its researchers remained closely connected with aviation finding employment at renowned research establishments abroad, particularly in the UK, and developing strategies of reactivating the Institute after the war.

1945 – 1970
1945 – 1970
Airplanes, helicopters and engines

In 1945 the Institute was re-established and located in the Warsaw district of Okęcie. At this time, jet and pulse engines were being developed at the Institute and works on the design of the SP-GIL helicopter began. The chief constructor at this time was Tadeusz Sołtyk, who supervised work i.a. on the aircraft TS-Bies and TS-Iskra.

1955 – 1970
1955 – 1970
Missile program

Together with aircraft airframe constructions, the Institute started specializing in design and construction of projectiles, such as rockets and flying targets. One of the most successful designs was the meteorological rocket Meteor 1, developed entirely in the Institute.

1967 – 1993
1967 – 1993
Trainer aircraft program

Subsequent years saw the Institute focus on the program for developing a military jet trainer aircraft for the Polish Air Force. The Iryda I-22 aircraft was granted all required certification confirming accordance of the aircraft construction program with legal regulations and military requirements. Thus, the Institute of Aviation successfully completed the task it was entrusted with by the Polish Government.

1990 – 2000
1990 – 2000
Light aircraft program

Another challenge for the engineers of the Institute was the construction of the I-23 Manager, a 4-seater composite personal plane. Developments during the period 1990-2000 which are worth mentioning include: the 2-seater trainer aircraft I-25 As, the 2-seater training & patrol helicopter IS-2, the patrol and rescue hovercraft PRP-560 Ranger.

1993 – 2023
1993 – 2023
R&D for the industry

Today, the Institute is a research center providing high quality testing services, which offer new solutions to contemporary aviation. The Institute cooperates closely with leading companies on the aviation market, including Boeing, General Electric, Airbus and Pratt & Whitney. It also provides services for other industries.

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