dr inż. Jarosław Stanisławski
Scientific interests:
Design, construction and investigation of helicopters, rotor dynamics and aerodynamics issues.
Most important publications:
- Dziupiński J., Popowski S., Stanisławski J. (2011). Detekcyjny system antykolizyjny śmigłowca z funkcją przewidywania manewru omijania przeszkód. Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa, nr 219, 73-93.
- Stanisławski J. (2010). Prediction of helicopter H-V zone and cueing the emergency maneuver after power loss. The Archive of Mechanical Engineering (Archiwum Budowy Maszyn), Warszawa, LVII(1).
- Stanisławski J. (2008). Simulation investigation of the tail rotor behavior in directional maneuver of helicopter. Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa nr 193, 32-80.
- Stanisławski J. (2006) Simulation investigation of dynamics and some operational situation of a helicopter with the use of neural networks. Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa, nr 186.
- Stanisławski J. (2005). Application of neural network to detecting faults of helicopter rotor. The Archive of Mechanical Engineering (Archiwum Budowy Maszyn), Warszawa tom LII, nr 2.
Research projects:
Research projects funded by SRC, later by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (project manager):
- 2009-2012, “Helicopter collision avoidance system with the function of predicting the manoeuvre of avoiding terrain obstacles,” No. 0363/B/T00/2009/37.
- 2005-2008, “Prediction system for performance of emergency safety manoeuvres after helicopter engine failure,” No. 0T00B 03329.
- 2001-2004, “Simulation investigation of the boundaries of helicopter operation with the use of a control system supported by a neural network,” No. 8T12C 01620.
Research projects and research and development projects financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (contractor):
- 2010-2012 “Unmanned helicopter – special task robot,” No. O R00 0048 08.
- 2006-2011 Research and development project “Determination of the border conditions for the operation of helicopters from high-rise building operating system,” No. R 00 033 02.
- 2006-2008 Research project “Interference of helicopter airflow,” No. 4T12C07130.
- 2005 Research project “Identification of the basic dynamic characteristics dynamic characteristics of the movement of a hovercraft and analysis of the possibilities of fitting it with an active stability and directional control improvement system,” No. 5T12C 02324.
- 2002-2005 Research project “Helicopter manoeuvring limits,” No. 0T00B 01123.
- 1995-2000 Special purpose project “IS-2 2-seat helicopter,” No. 9 9361 94c/1880, Institute of Aviation, PZL-Świdnik S.A.
Awards conferred for the conducted scientific research and development works:
- 1st Prize of the Director of the Institute of Aviation for the best works performed in 2012 – participation in the work “Unmanned helicopter – special task robot.”
- 2nd Prize of the Director of the Institute of Aviation for the best works performed in 2012 – “Helicopter collision avoidance system with the function of predicting the manoeuvre of avoiding terrain obstacles.”
- 3rd Prize of the Director of the Institute of Aviation for the best works performed in 2011 – participation in the work “Determination of the border conditions for the operation of helicopters from high-rise building operating system.”
- 2nd Prize of the Director of the Institute of Aviation for the best works performed in 2008– “Prediction system for performance of emergency safety manoeuvres after helicopter engine failure.”
- 2nd Prize of the Director of the Institute of Aviation for the best works performed in 2006 – “Simulation investigation of dynamics and some operational situations of a helicopter with use of neural networks.”
- 1st Prize of the Director of the Institute of Aviation for the best works performed in 2005 – participation in the work “Identification of the basic dynamic characteristics of the movement of a hovercraft and analysis of the possibilities of fitting it with an active stability and directional control improvement system.”
- 2nd Prize of the Director of the Institute of Aviation for the best works performed in 2003 – studies performed during the performance of the research project “Simulation investigation of the boundaries of helicopter operation with the use of a control system supported by a neural network.”
- 3rd Prize of the Director of the Institute of Aviation for the best works performed in 1997 – “Calculation of the borer parameters for the operation of the IS-2 helicopter.”