prof. dr hab. inż. Maciej Bossak
Scientific interests:
Behaviour of deformed structures moving in gas or with gas flow around it – Aeroelasticity.
Behaviour of materials and structures under extreme conditions – Acrology.
Most important publications:
- Bossak M.A., Kaczkowski J. (2003). Global/Local Analysis of Composite Light Aircraft Crash Landing. Computers and Structures, 81.
- Bossak M.A. (2001). Bandes adiabatiques de cisaillement. Cahiers de Mechanique, No.1-01 (7).
- Bossak M.A. (1994). Finite Elements and Polydescriptive Approach in Concurrent Engineering. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 7(3/6).
- Wood W.L., Bossak M.A., Zienkiewicz O.C. (1980). An Alpha Modification of Newmark’s Method. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 15(10).
- Bossak M.A., Zienkiewicz O.C. (1973). Free Vibrations of Initially Stressed Solids. Journal of Strain Analysis, 8(4).