On 8th October, the Institute of Aviation and General Electric Company Polska became signatories of the Diversity Charter. The document was signed by: Professor Witold Wiśniowski – Director of the Institute of Aviation and Magdalena Nizik Chairman of the Management Board of General Electric Company Polska. The initiator of the Diversity Charter in Poland is the Responsible Business Forum.

The guest of the meeting was Ewa Leśnowolska  – a representative of the Responsible Business Forum. The attendees of the meeting became acquainted with aims and benefits of signing the Diversity Charter which are: the implementation of the policy of equal treatment and diversity management in the workplace, with a particular emphasis on the areas of recruitment, an access to training and promotion, salary, work-life balance and protection against unfair dismissal. In addition, the signatories of the Diversity Charter are required to educate all employees, especially managers, in order to raise awareness and knowledge on anti-discrimination and mobbing.

The Diversity Charter is a declaration, signed by the employer, who makes a commitment to prohibit discrimination in the workplace, take action for the promotion of the diversity and engage the organization in those activities.

The employees of the Institute of Aviation and General Electric Company Polska have emphasized their support for the Diversity Charter by leaving signatures on a specially prepared plate. They could also mark places they have visited during their private or work-related trips on a huge globe.

In addition, each employee received a handful of fudges with the logo of the Charter of Diversity and a multi-fruit drink whose label contains quotes of famous people on diversity.

The Diversity Charter – commitments

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