On 12-14 September 2016, the Institute of Aviation was a venue for READ Research and Education in Aircraft Design conference. The event was organized jointly with the Warsaw University of Technology.
READ conference was held already for the twelfth time – since 1994, when it was organized for the first time in Warsaw, every two years the event has been travelling to different countries of Eastern Europe. Over the years it has been hosted by Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Czech Republic, in 2016 it returned to Warsaw. This year, READ conference was held together with SCAD Symposium on Collaboration in Aircraft Design.
The main aim of the conference is to act as a platform for the exchange of information about progress in aerospace engineering research. It serves as a forum for the presentation of the latest advances in aeronautical engineering. The unique character of the seminar is given by its focus also on aircraft engineering education and by the inclusion of juried student session.
This year’s edition of the conference attracted over 80 participants from 14 countries, representing mainly universities of technology and research establishments. The covered topics included: aircraft structures and propulsion, aircraft design, aerodynamics and flight dynamics, aircraft avionics and electromechanics, aircraft maintenance, aerospace education, aviation development, safety and security in aviation, materials in aerospace engineering.
On 12th and 13th, the participants took part in oral sessions and lectures, and on the 14th they were taken on specially organized ‘technical tours’, during which they were shown the facilities of the Institute – the wind tunnel and the composite laboratory.