The Association of Polish Aviation Industry and the Aviation Valley signed a memorandum of understanding with the Korean Aviation Industry Association. On behalf of APAI, the document was signed by the president of the association and the director of the Łukasiewicz – Institute of Aviation, Dr. Eng. Paweł Stężycki. The MOU is aimed at strengthening cooperation between Poland and Korea in the development of the aerospace industry.

The parties declares their understanding as follows:

  • to exchange information about offers or needs of members of KAIA, APAI and AV,
  • to exchange information about possibilities of taking part in local and international projects and programs,
  • to exchange information about trainings, conferences, seminars or B2B meetings,
  • to organize jointly economic missions or brokers events for the members of respective parties,
  • to define possibilities of research projects for members of the parties within national and EU framework programmes,
  • to cooperate in the field of qualification and training of aerospace personnel by combining resources such as educational centres and specialized companies,
  • to organize technology exchange and networking between Korean and Polish aerospace industry clusters through comprehensive cooperation.

The memorandum of understanding was signed on July 14, 2023 in Warsaw. The event was one of the elements of the Korean delegation’s visit to Poland.

Memorandum of understanding – KAIA, APAI & AV


The Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation is one of the most modern research facilities in Europe, with traditions dating back to 1926. The Institute closely cooperates with global tycoons of the aviation industry, such as: Boeing, GE, Airbus, Pratt & Whitney, and institutions from the space industry, including the European Space Agency. Strategic research areas of the Institute are aviation, space and unmanned technologies. It also provides research and services for domestic and foreign industries in the field of materials, composite, additive, remote sensing, energy and oil&gas technologies. More:

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