On Saturday, 19 March 2016, the Institute of Aviation was open for the youngest science fans. Over 100 children interested in physics, chemistry, and of course, aviation, was participated in the event called “Fun science”.

The event was met with great interest – shows and experiments were performed in special laboratories, in which the secrets of knowledge were unveiled by the members of student science societies, the representative of the Remote Sensing Division at the Institute of Aviation and the iCount company.

The kids participated in robotics workshops prepared by iCount during which they were constructing and programming Mars rovers, sumo robots and reconnaissance robots using the LEGO bricks.

In the “Flogiston” scientific society laboratory, they were presented with the use of domestic objects and substances for chemistry, as well as the use of chemical substances.

The experiments performed by the Physicians Scientific Society at the Warsaw University of Technology, among which were Chladni’s figures generator, a vacuum chamber and microscope in a smartphone, also attracted the attention.

The kids could also feel like they were on a secret mission with the help of the members of the “MelAvio” Avionics Scientific Society. The reconnaissance flights of the small multirotors were performed from this very laboratory! Flying lessons didn’t go down the drain for sure!

Two unusual vehicles exhibited in the main hall – Kropelka 2.0. and PAKS, both constructed by Student Vehicle Aerodynamics Society, were also popular. It turned out that the first of them can drive on one liter of petrol for over 650 km! The second one develops the breakneck speed of 300 km/h and is one of the fastest cars that participates in the Shell Eco Marathon contest.

The shows were accompanied not only by experiments, but also by short lectures. Children could learn for example – why airplanes fly and how multirotors work. Anyone who has ever dreamed of traveling to outer-space could not miss the lecture by dr. Natalia Zalewska from the Remote Sensing Division at the Institute of Aviation! Natalia is one of the few Polish scientists who took part in a simulated Martian mission in the desert in Utah in the United States.


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