With a deep regret we announce the death of Prof. Assoc. Eng. Stefan Szczeciński – a member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Aviation, a long-term employee of the Propulsion Department at the Institute of Aviation. Professor Szczeciński died tonight.

Professor Stefan Szczeciński was born in 1927.  He got his first degree in aviation  in 1951 (Wawelberczyk) and  the second degree in the Military University of Technology (1954). He defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1964, became an Assistant Professor in 1973, Associate Professor in 1978, and Professor in 1985. Under his supervision 39 doctoral theses were defended. He supervised one honorary doctorate, and he was also a reviewer of one honorary doctorate, 74 doctorates and 20 habilitation theses. He developed 21 reviews for the title of professor. He began his scientific work in 1949 as an assistant in the School of Engineering. During his career he dealt with internal combustion piston-powered and traction engines, as well as turbine-powered and rocket engines. He was an author and co-author of  more than 440 scientific and technical publications, 24 books, including the 9-volume series under the title ”Aircraft Propulsion”, and 27 patents and utility models. Until 1993 he was a professional soldier. In the years 1951-1998 he was a researcher at the Military University of Technology and an employee of the Propulsion Department at the Institute of Aviation, where he co-worked since 1957.

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