Warsaw Power & Energy Trade Fair is an industry event dedicated to representatives of regional governments responsible for local energy, managers from the manufacturing, automation and energy sectors as well as investors, designers and installers. Representatives of the Institute of Aviation will participate in the exhibition part and the Polish Power Forum’s panel session. The event will be held on April 21-22, 2017 at the International Fair and Congress Center PTAK Warsaw Expo in Nadarzyn.
During the fair the Institute of Aviation will present its research offer addressed to the energy industry. The presented solutions will include hybrid energy storage, which uses renewable energy sources to consume fuel only in case of high power demand.
Subject scope of the fair:
- electricity production (raw materials, technology, equipment),
- materials and equipment for the transmission and distribution of energy,
- storage of electric energy,
- electrotechnical materials, constructions and equipment used in construction,
- control and measuring devices,
- alternative energy and renewable energy sources,
- specialized vehicles for power engineering,
- improving the process energy efficiency,
- electromobility,
- IT solutions in power engineering – instrumentation and software,
- optimization of energy purchase conditions and energy management consultancy,
- financing of investments in the power industry.
An important part of the two day event will be the Polish Energy Forum (April 21st). Roman Domański, Prof. Dr Habil. Eng. from the Institute of Aviation, will speak about the place of renewable energy sources in the energy balance of the world and Poland in the “Renewable and Distributed Energy, Energy Storage and Science” panel. The forum will present the latest trends for conventional, nuclear and local distributed energy (energy clusters). Participants in the debate will be representatives of R&D and the energy market.
The fair’s official website: http://powerandenergy.eu/
The Polish Power Forum programme: http://powerandenergy.eu/polskie-forum-energetyczne/plan-forum/.
Source: Institute of Aviation, PTAK Warsaw Expo, Warsaw Power & Energy Forum