“A Night at the Institute of Aviation” is the largest night educational event in Warsaw, aimed at the furthering of the aviation and aerospace industry and sector in Poland and the promotion of the engineering profession. The first event was held in 2009. Every year, an increasing number of aviation enthusiasts attend the event which receives given wide media attention and coverage.
The event is directed at all enthusiasts of aviation, aircraft, space, science, technology and anyone that is interested in the world and likes to spend their free time actively. The wind tunnel and other state-of-the-art laboratories are made available to the participants of the Night at the Institute of Aviation. All the attractions are associated with aviation, new technologies and space.
During the event, the participants are given the chance to meet civil aviation and military pilots, representatives of technical universities and companies operating in the aviation sector. It is also a perfect opportunity to visit the Institute of Aviation which is normally inaccessible to the public, and talk with engineers and scientists working on projects for the Polish and global aviation industry and related industries.
Official website: http://nocwinstytucielotnictwa.pl/