Transactions on Aerospace Research
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Spis treści:
Advances in remote sensing for monitoring soil conditions in forest ecosystems: techniques, challenges, and applications
Katarzyna Kubiak, Marcin Spiralski, Joao Pompeu, Vincent Levavasseur and Rafał Wawer
Regional passenger aircraft type of An-158 with a hybrid propulsion parametric concept
Vasyl Loginov, Yevgen Ukrainets, Igor Kravchenko, Olexandr Yelans`ky, Serhii Fil and Oleksii Pushylin
An “integration index” for determining the degree of subsystem integration in passenger and transport aircraft designs
Vasyl Loginov and Oleg Anipko
The commercial operations of UAS within the framework of the exististing international regime applicable to air carriers
Agnieszka Kunert-Diallo and Tomasz Balcerzak
Semiempirical model of the acoustics of a supersonic jet upon collision with a perpendicular wall
Valery Oliynik and Tetyana Batutina
Validating Lithium-Polymer Battery Discharge Models to Ensure UAV Flight Safety and Performance
Anastasiia Shcherban & Volodymir Eremenko
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