Spis treści:
- Airfoil Tonal Noise Prediction Using Urans
Witold Klimczyk, Adam Sieradzki
- Thermal operating window in selective laser melting processes
Jerzy Kozak, Tomasz Zakrzewski, Marta Witt, Martyna Dębowska-Wąsak
- Automated eddy current system for aircraft structure inspection
Iuliia Lysenko, Yurii Kuts, Valentyn Petryk, Volodymyr Malko, Andrii Melnyk
- Improving strapdown inertial navigation system performance by self-compensation of inertial sensor errors
Mykola Chernyak, Vadym Kolesnyk
- Numerical modelling of static aeroelastic deformations of slender wings in aerodynamic design
Pamela Bugała, Janusz Sznajder, Adam Sieradzki
- Analysis of failure states of functional systems of aircraft such as Boeing 737 in the airline
Jevgenijs Terescenko, Vladimir Shestakov and Andris Vaivads
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