Transactions on Aerospace Research

Spis treści:

  1. Role of personal commitment in association between aerospace education and service experience
    Witold Klimczyk, Adam Sieradzki
  2. Solid rocket boosters separation system development for the ilr-33 amber 2k rocket
    Jan Kierski, Artur Pazik, Dawid Cieśliński
  3. Description of residual stress distribution in the surface layer after heat treatment and shot peening
    Konstanty Skalski, Grzegorz Mońka, Ryszard Filipowski
  4. Basic principles and mechanical considerations of satellites: a short review
    Reham Reda, Yasmeen Ahmed, Islam Magdy, Hossam Nabil, Mennatullah Khamis, Ahmed Refaey, Nada Eldabaa, Manar Abo Elmagd, Mohamed Abo Lila, Hady Ergawy, Alhussein Elgarf, Gerges Abed
  5. Design method for pressurised and non-pressurised tail cargo door’s fairings compartment in transport category aircraft
    Oleksandr Grebenikov, Andrii Humennyi, Vasyl Loginov, Olexandr Dveirin, Dmytro Konyshev
  6. Cavitating venturi as a mass flow controller in a deep throttling liquid rocket engine
    Michał Sekrecki
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