Transactions on Aerospace Research

Spis treści:

  1. A Systematic Review of Ground-Based Infrastructure for the Innovative Urban Air Mobility.
    Gazmend Mavraj, Jil Eltgen, Tim Fraske, Majed Swaid, Jan Berling, Ole Röntgen , Yuzhuo Fu and Detlef Schulz
  2. Science, Technology and Systems Engineering Educational Activities with Stratospheric Balloons.
    Salvo Marcuccio, Matteo Gemignani and Giuseppe Cataldi
  3. The Role of PEGASUS in the European Aeronautics and Space Universities Exchange of Students and Professors.
    Jacek Mieloszyk, Emmanuel Zenou, Gustavo Alonso, Franco Bernelli-Zazzera and Joris Melkert
  4. An Analysis of the Spanish Aerospace Sector: the Case of the Start-Up Ecosystem in Madrid.
    Juan José Morillas-Guerrero
  5. Evolution of (Aero)Space Engineering Studies in Italy in the Past 20 Years.
    Franco Bernelli-Zazzera, Giorgio Guglieri, Salvo Marcuccio, Francesco Marulo, Paola Nardinocchi and Paolo Tortora
  6. Development of Turboshaft Engine Adaptive Dynamic Model: Analysis of Estimation Errors.
    Sergiy Yepifanov and Oleksiy Bondarenko
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