Transactions on Aerospace Research
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Spis treści:
The contribution of A.K. Oppenheim to explaning the nature of the initiation of gaseous detonation in tubes.
Allen L. Kuhl, Antoni Koichi Hayashi and Piotr Wolański
Feasibility study for a fuel cell-powered unmanned aerial vehicle with a 75 kg payload.
José M. Desantes, Ricardo Novella, Luis M. García-Cuevas and Marcos Lopez-Juarez
Development of a flight simulator for conceptual aircraft design and sizing.
Kai San Hon, Stanislav Karpuk, Daqing Yang and Ali Elham
Comparing methods of calculating aircraft engine emissions of harmful exhaust components during the takeoff and landing cycle in the airspace of an airport.
Paweł Głowacki, Piotr Kalina and Michał Kawalec
Eddy current techniques for detecting hidden subsurface defects in multilayer aircraft structures.
Valentyn Uchanin
The contribution of A.K. Oppenheim to explaning the nature of the initiation of gaseous detonation in tubes.
Ihor Ohanian and Sergyi Yepifanov
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