Scientific Library No. 4 W. Pawlak, K. Wiklik, J. M. Morawski – Synthesis and testing of aircraft turbine engine control systems

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Author: Wojciech Pawlak, Krzysztof Wiklik, Janusz M. Morawski
Title: Synthesis and testing of aircraft turbine engine control systems using computer simulation methods
ISBN: 83-904367-3-6
Cover: paperback, glued binding
The year of publication: 1996
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 264
Language of publication: polish


Description: The book discusses issues of designing air turbine engine control systems (jet, propeller and helicopter). It presents the methodology of designing based on mathematical modelling and computer simulation of continuous processes. Theoretical problems connected with the construction of non-linear models of engines treated as control objects are discussed. Several proven examples of such models are given. All stages of control algorithm building procedures are discussed – from initial analyses to partial simulations, with attached segments of real components of control systems, crowned with verification tests of real engines with their control systems in braking. The book is intended for designers and researchers of air turbine engine control systems. It can also be useful for research workers and students of older years of technical studies in the fields of: aircraft engines, power plants and industrial engines, automatics.