This is where they were, this is where they worked…100 faces of the Institute of Aviation

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Author: Witold Wiśniowski
Title: This is where they were, this is where they worked…100 faces of the Institute of Aviation
ISBN: 978-83-635392-2-1
Cover: hardback, sewn binding
The year of publication: 2016
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 246
Language of publication: polish


Description: On the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Institute of Aviation a remarkable publication containing the profiles of people associated with the Institute of Aviation written by current and former employees has been published. The book was edited by Witold Wiśniowski, the director of the Institute of Aviation. The most famous Polish pilots, aviation constructors, scientists and administrative staff in the memories of their colleagues, superiors, as well as in short biographies – that was the idea of the jubilee publication about the Institute’s employees. This book is important not only for its sentimental value. The most important is the history behind the people who were creating the aviation industry and developing science in Poland.