Scientific Library No. 29
Marian Jeż – Air transport and sustainability

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Author: Marian Jeż
Title: Air transport and sustainability
ISBN: 978-83- 929-922-0-2
Cover: paperback, glued binding
The year of publication: 2009
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 176
Language of publication: polish


Description: The handbook was created from the experience of 40 years of work in the Institute of Aviation, exchange of results of new projects and cooperation in aviation European networks and adaptation of this knowledge to the needs of students of the University of Ecology and Management. New threats to civilization, such as: uncertain future of the energy sector, anthropogenic climate changes, huge differences in the standard of living of over 7 billion inhabitants of the Earth, arouse great interest in preventive methods. The growth of air transport, twice as fast as the growth of national income, has a significant impact on
the environment, mainly in large agglomerations and the upper troposphere. Also the related issues of sustainable development in the field of transport and energy seem worth presenting, because they are aimed at the same goal, important for future generations – not to destroy the planet!