Scientific Library No. 53

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Series: Scientific Library No. 53
Author: Work under the editorship Katarzyna Kubiak (Autorzy rozdziałów: Karol Bęben, Katarzyna Dorosz, Mariusz Kacprzak, Jan Kotlarz, Katarzyna Kubiak, Dawid Kulpa, Paweł Kwaśnik, Konrad Mruk, Karol Rotchimmel, Hubert Skoneczny, Marcin Spiralski, Anna Stańczyk, Justyna Stypułkowska, Jakub Szymański)
Title: Teledetekcja w ochronie upraw
ISBN: 978-83-63539-41-2
Cover: soft, glued
The year of publication: 2022
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 262
Language of publication: polish

Description: The monograph was published as part of the FITOEXPORT project “Improving the competitiveness of Polish plant goods on international markets by increasing their quality and phytosanitary safety.”

The project is co-financed by the National Center for Research and Development as part of the strategic research and development program “Social and economic development of Poland in the conditions of globalizing markets” – GOSPOSTRATEG.

Contract number: GOSPOSTRATEG 1/385957/5/NCBR/2018