Scientific Library No. 44 Cezary Galiński – Selected issues of aircraft design

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Author: Cezary Galiński
Title: Selected issues of aircraft design
ISBN: 978-83-63539-36-8
Cover: paperback, glued binding
The year of publication: 2016
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 396
Language of publication: polish


Description: The book is available in electronic version only and can be downloaded from

The book was written primarily for students of the first years of their studies in aviation, to whom it is often necessary to explain the fundamentals without going into detail, leaving
the latter to specialist lectures. The cursory nature of the presented knowledge of aircraft design and construction is intended to provide a better understanding of the complexity of the process and to provide a basis for further development of knowledge in this area. The aim of this book, therefore, is not to present detailed methods of analysis of particular issues,
but rather to synthesize their results.