Scientific Library No. 35 Paweł Głowacki, Stefan Szczeciński – Air transport. Environmental risks and ways of reducing them

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Author: Paweł Głowacki, Stefan Szczeciński
Title: Air transport. Environmental risks and ways of reducing them
ISBN: 978-83-63539-09-2
Cover: paperback, glued binding
The year of publication: 2013
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 121
Language of publication: polish


Description: In the book we tried to include information about environmental threats resulting from the extremely concentrated, in the limited area of airports and their adjacent areas, pollution by exhaust fumes (and toxins contained therein) and noise – caused by the operation of modern turbine jet engines, commonly used as a propulsion of passenger and transport aircraft for long range and large capacity. Contemporary methods of quantitative assessment of “produced” exhaust fumes and the content of their basic toxic components are presented, as well as our own proposals for more precise methods – enabling an individual assessment of the mass of poisonous exhaust gas components based on the measured fuel consumption of aircraft propulsion engines during taxiing at airports, take-off, climbing, horizontal flight, descending and landing. The organizational possibilities of changes in the ways of controlling the propulsion of aircraft during taxiing and the degree of load of propulsion engines depending on the aircraft take-off mass and current atmospheric conditions were indicated. Bearing in mind not only the need for environmental specialists to be interested in the difficulties of maintaining it at a safe level, part of the work is addressed to aviation users: organizers of air traffic, ground handling of aircraft, jet engine operators – as well as employees of repair shops, diagnostics, automatics, even engine designers. It seems right to make this book available to students, diplomats and PhD students of human environmental protection specialties, but also to aviation specialties and combustion engines in various fields of their use.