Scientific Library No. 34
Collective work – Aircraft turbine engines. Construction – operation – diagnostics. Part II

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Author: Collective work
Title: Aircraft turbine engines. Construction – operation – diagnostics. Part II
ISBN: 978-83-932592-8-1
Cover: paperback, glued binding
The year of publication: 2012
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 460
Language of publication: polish


Description: Collective work. The second part of the book on aircraft turbine engines. The book contains descriptions of the principles of construction of modern aircraft turbine engines supported by calculations of loads, strength and dynamic features of their main assemblies and parts, illustrated with examples of structural forms of modern engines. Much attention was paid to the problems of widely understood engine accessories, in particular power supply and automatic regulation systems, oiling, starting and diagnostics. The importance of these installations for minimizing the operating costs of engines and ensuring the necessary safety of flying has been emphasized. Attention was drawn to the specificity of contemporary construction materials and technological methods of manufacturing components and engine parts. Specific requirements for the use of fuels and oils in aviation, now and in the future, are presented. The book is intended for engineers and technicians working in industry and repair plants and military and civil institutions operating aircraft and helicopters. It can also be a basic textbook for students, diplomats, in some fragments even doctoral students of technical universities specializing in aviation.