Scientific Library No. 2 Włodzimierz Brusow – Optimal design of multiple flying ships

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Author: Włodzimierz Brusow
Title: Optimal design of multiple flying ships
ISBN: 83-904367-1-X
Cover: paperback, glued binding
The year of publication: 1996
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 248
Language of publication: polish


Description: The book presents a new approach to the issue of optimal aircraft design, based on the theoriometric formulation of the task of optimizing parameters. The analysis of the basic stages of the design process was carried out, then the tasks of optimal design of multi-purpose aircraft systems were formulated. The terminology of operational research presents the issues of technical-economic efficiency of aircraft in relation to one or more criteria. The results of computational research of a fleet of transport aircraft are also presented as an illustration of the main concepts of the presented approach and methods. The book can be useful for aircraft designers.