Scientific Library No. 18 Collective work – The basis for the selection of turbine jet engines for the airframe

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Author: Collective work
Title: The basis for the selection of turbine jet engines for the airframe
ISBN: 83-915995-4-X
Cover: paperback, glued binding
The year of publication: 2002
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 248
Language of publication: polish


Description: Collective work edited by prof. Marek Orkisz

The publication concerns the issues of integration of the airframe with the engine according to the task criterion. The following are presented: combat aviation missions, modelling the thermodynamic circuit of a turbine jet engine taking into account the actual properties of the working factor, modeling the dynamics of jet engines in the MATLAB-SIMULINK environment, energy balance of turbine jet engines, methodology of selection of a propulsion unit for an aircraft, selection of thermodynamic circuit parameters of turbine jet engines and evaluation of aircraft efficiency. The whole was supplemented with a database of aircraft turbine engines. The monograph is addressed to scientific and didactic employees dealing with aviation issues. It may also be a source of supplementary knowledge for aviation technology operators, aviation industry employees and students of technical universities.