Scientific Library No. 15 Włodzimierz Balicki, Stefan Szczeciński – Diagnosing of air turbine engines

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Author: Włodzimierz Balicki, Stefan Szczeciński
Title: Diagnosing of air turbine engines
ISBN: 83-910906-3-9
Cover: paperback, glued binding
The year of publication: 2001
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 246
Language of publication: polish


Description: The book presents the reasons for the emergence and continuous development of methods for diagnosing aircraft turbine engines, with particular emphasis on the selection of parameters (mainly flow parameters) which are effective carriers of diagnostic information. On the example of a single-flow, single-rotor jet engine without an afterburner, the possibilities of using computational simulation models to study the course of engine characteristics in various environmental conditions (climate, flight parameters: altitude and speed) and to optimize the set of operating parameters measured for diagnostic purposes are shown. The procedure in the case of engines with more complex structural and flow systems was also indicated. The usefulness of the continuous measurement of fuel pressure drop in the injectors, both for diagnostic purposes and for practically non-inertial measurement of the current fuel consumption, was pointed out. The influence of manufacturing tolerances of engine parts and assemblies on the output values ​​of its flow parameters and its dynamics was also indicated. The book aims to familiarize the user with the technique and technology for diagnosing turbine engines, constantly developed by the manufacturers of turbine engines, and the impact of these activities on the safety of flying as well as the durability and reliability of engines.