Polish Airplane and Insignia. Polish Air Force in the West 1940-1946

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Author: Tadeusz Królikiewicz, Wojtek Matusiak
Title: Polish Airplane and Insignia. Polish Air Force in the West 1940-1946
ISBN: 978-83-111327-8-8-8
Cover: hardback, sewn binding, jacket
The year of publication: 2014
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 425
Language of publication: polish

Link: https://sklepinstytutulotnictwa.pl/p/26/7571/polski-samolot-i-barwa-polskie-sily-powietrzne-na-zachodzie-1940-1946-.html

Description: The book concerns the insignia and emblems of the aviation equipment of Polish units created alongside the military aviation of France and Great Britain in the years of World War II. It gathers information about the rules of camouflage painting and national and coalition affiliation marking. It also presents numerous examples of insignia not included in the regulations, including emblems and individual names as well as symbols of combat tasks performed.