Historical Library No. 6
Tadeusz Królikiewicz – Selected issues from the history of the Institute of Aviation

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Author: Tadeusz Królikiewicz
Title: Selected issues from the history of the Institute of Aviation
ISBN: 978-83-932592-84-94
Cover: hardback, sewn binding
The year of publication: 2012
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 502
Language of publication: polish

Link: https://sklepinstytutulotnictwa.pl/p/20/7566/historical-library-no-6-tadeusz-krolikiewicz-selected-issues-from-the-history-of-the-institute-of-aviation-.html

Description: The book presents a selection of issues from the history of the Institute of Aviation. The publication focuses on two issues: aviation structures, in which the Institute of Aviation was involved in the creation or research, and the development of research infrastructure and equipment for laboratories, a process that continues to progress and continues to gain new momentum.