Historical Library No. 4
Alfred Baron – Combat aircraft I-22 Iryda. Requirements, implementation, evaluation

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Author: Alfred Baron
Title: Combat aircraft I-22 Iryda. Requirements, implementation, evaluation
ISBN: 978-83-929922-9-5
Cover: hardback, sewn binding
The year of publication: 2010
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 452
Language of publication: polish

Link: https://sklepinstytutulotnictwa.pl/p/20/7564/historical-library-no-4-alfred-baron-combat-aircraft-i-22-iryda-requirements-implementation-evaluation-.html

Description: The author explains to the readers how complex it is to design and manufacture a modern military aircraft, presenting the course of the programme in a broad and meticulous way from its genesis to its completion. The author attaches particular importance to the preparation of technical requirements for the aircraft: ambitious and at the same time possible to meet by the constructors, proving the compliance of the implemented projects with military aircraft construction regulations and the role of necessary research: design, prototyping and certification, including. The book is a combination of personal memories and reflections of the author, descriptions of challenges and technical achievements and bureaucratic-personal adversity.