Historical Library No. 14
Witold Wiśniowski – Titles, degrees and scientific positions of employees of the Institute of Aviation

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Author: Witold Wiśniowski
Title: Titles, degrees and scientific positions of employees of the Institute of Aviation
ISBN: 978-83-63539-53-5
Cover: hardback, sewn binding
The year of publication: 2019
Publisher: Lukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation Publishing Houses
Quantity pages: 315
Language of publication: polish

Link: https://sklepinstytutulotnictwa.pl/p/20/7650/historical-library-no-14-witold-wisniowski-tytuly-stopnie-i-stanowiska-naukowe-pracownikow-instytutu-lotnictwa-.html

Description: The Institute of Aviation, as a scientific and research center, for the decades of its existence (founded in 1926), has in its ranks many research workers of various specialties, who in turn are associated with leading technical universities in Poland, either as graduates or as academic teachers . It is enough to mention that the author of this book (the former Director of the Institute) is also a graduate of the Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Energy and Aviation. The scientific output of the Institute is enormous. This is evidenced by numerous inventions, implementations, patents, monographs, scientific publications, and above all, many successful aircraft structures and others, known in the country and abroad. Many of the Institute’s researchers have achieved success not only in Poland, but their achievements are known all over the world. The book presents the evolution of the system of awarding academic titles and degrees in Poland and worldwide. The publication contains numerous tables with the names, titles and academic degrees of the employees of the Institute of Aviation, an alphabetical index of doctors, habilitated doctors and professors. Abstracts of selected doctoral dissertations were also presented. The book contains biographies of selected employees of the Institute.