Historical Library No. 12 Ryszard Witkowski – Rotorcraft: construction and use

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Author: Ryszard Witkowski
Title: Rotorcraft: construction and use
ISBN: 978-83-635394-7-4
Cover: hardback, sewn binding
The year of publication: 2018
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 310
Language of publication: polish

Link: https://sklepinstytutulotnictwa.pl/p/20/7554/historical-library-no-12-ryszard-witkowski-rotorcraft-construction-and-use-.html

Description: The author of the publication, the only Pole awarded with the Gold Rotorcraft Award (2017), presents basic and advanced information about helicopters in an accessible way.  He then discusses terminology, the history of rotorcraft and the basics of helicopter flight. He also describes in detail the construction of the helicopter, the principles of piloting and helicopter operations.

The book is richly illustrated and contains photographs, diagrams, charts, tables and drawings. An interesting fact is the attachment, which describes the signals of visual communication between the helicopter crew and the personnel on the ground.