Bibliography of Transactions of the Institute of Aviation for the years 1951-2016

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Author: Maciej Bossak, Kamila Kaczyńska, Zbigniew Pągowski, Wojciech Potkański, Leszek Rams, Witold Wiśniowski
Title: Bibliography of Transactions of the Institute of Aviation for the years 1951-2016
ISBN: 978-83-63539-42-9
Cover: hardback, sewn binding
The year of publication: 2017
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 332
Language of publication: polish


Description: The Transactions of the Institute of Aviation (Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa) has been published continuously since 1951 and contains scientific and technical studies covering the results of independent, theoretical or laboratory research of authors, especially valuable for the development of aviation. Engineers and scientists from the Institute of Aviation, universities and the global aviation industry present their achievements, thoughts and ideas on the pages of the Transactions.

The Bibliography of Transactions of the Institute of Aviation includes a list of 245 journals from 1951-2016, and in them 1760 articles with the division into 9 following thematic chapters:

  • airframe design and testing,
  • engine design and testing,
  • design and research of rockets and space objects,
  • equipment for flying objects, automation and digitalisation,
  • methods and results of experimental tests, laboratories,
  • methods and results of calculations, modeling and simulations,
  • material engineering,
  • safety, reliability, ecology,
  • organization, management, marketing.