Scientific Library No. 10
Włodzimierz Kasjanow – Statistical methods of modelling and identification in flight dynamics

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Author: Włodzimierz Kasjanow
Title: Statistical methods of modelling and identification in flight dynamics
ISBN: 83-904367-9-5
Cover: paperback, glued binding
The year of publication: 1999
Publisher: Scientific Publishers of the Institute of Aviation
Quantity pages: 347
Language of publication: polish


Description: The book contains theoretical basics of statistical flight modelling and identification based on many years of experience of the author in solving various practical tasks occurring in the process of flight operations, in particular during the investigation of accidents and catastrophes. Considerable attention is paid to the construction of mathematical models of flight and the problem of obtaining and processing the necessary experimental information.
A large number of simplified examples are presented, allowing the understanding of the essence of applied mathematical methods of flight modelling. The book requires good mathematical preparation from the reader and is intended for aviation research and development workers and graduates of aviation faculties of polytechnics who intend to specialize in the field of flight dynamics.