18th Polish-American Conference on Science and Technology – 100 years of Polish science and industry cooperation

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Welcome Remarks


The Institute of Aviation

The Institute of Aviation, which was established in 1926, belongs to the oldest research institutions in Europe and its roots date back to 1918. Throughout the whole of its operations, the scientists and engineers that have been working at the Institute of Aviation have made an invaluable and outstanding contribution to the development of the economy, science and national defence of the Republic of Poland. All Polish aircraft were either designed or tested at the Institute of Aviation. The achievements of the Institute of Aviation research staff have also had a tremendous impact on the global development of aeronautic structures. The principal research areas of the Institute presently include space technologies, aircraft and rocket engines, materials science, aerodynamics, composite technologies, design and testing of aviation structures, air traffic noise, remote sensing as well as oil, gas and energy extraction testing. Today, the Institute of Aviation belongs to one of the most cutting-edge and largest research facilities in Poland and the world. More than 1,300 staff, mainly comprising of young engineers and scientists, work at the facility, which has now occupied this location in the Okęcie neighbourhood in Warsaw for 92 years. The Institute is a member of many international organisations and associations involved in aircraft and space technology, in which it represents the Republic of Poland. The facility extensively collaborates with higher education establishments, research institutions, research facilities and industrial laboratories from Europe, the Americas, Asia, Australia and Africa. It also closely collaborates with the world leaders in the aerospace sector, e.g.: General Electric, Boeing, Airbus, Pratt&Whitney, Sikorsky, Embraer and Rolls-Royce. Furthermore, the Institute organises international conferences, symposia, and moderates global research initiatives.

The Ohio State University

The Ohio State University, commonly referred to as Ohio State, is a public research university located in Columbus, Ohio. It was originally founded in 1870 as a land-grant university and is currently the third largest university campus in the United States. Ohio State has been officially designated as the flagship institution of Ohio’s public universities by the newly centralized University System of Ohio. Research facilities include Aeronautical/Astronautical Research Laboratory, Byrd Polar Research Center, Center for Automotive Research (OSU CAR), Chadwick Arboretum, Biological Research Tower, Electroscience Laboratory, Large Binocular Telescope (LBT, originally named the Columbus Project), Mershon Center for International Security Studies, Stone Laboratory on Gibraltar Island, OH, and Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Ohio State currently has over 525,000 living alumni located around the world. Ohio State alumni include Nobel Prize, Pulitzer Prize, and Medal of Honor recipients, ambassadors, as well as Fortune 500 CEOs and members of the Forbes 400 list of the world’s wealthiest individuals.

Dear Readers, Ladies and Gentlemen,

With great satisfaction we present materials from the 18th Polish-American conference which was combined with the celebration of a very important event for Polish industry and the Institute of Aviation - A centenary of cooperation between science and industry. The conference with its long tradition became an event which emphasized the importance of cooperation between science and industry and the international exchange of information in the field of aviation in its broadest sense. An important element of this international meeting was the initiation of a new aviation project which was part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of Polish Aviation. At the same time, the conference became an event which allowed to present the Institute of Aviation achievements. We hope that the materials from the celebrations of the 100th anniversary and the Conference papers presented on the CD will allow to broaden the knowledge, strengthen the cooperation and its continuation. At the same time, we would like to thank the honorary patrons of our event, the Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and the Industrial Development Agency, as well as the conference co-organizers from the Ohio State University, in particular Prof. Mike Benzakein. See you in Columbus, Ohio April 16-17, 2019, for the 19th Polish American Conference on Science and Technology.

Director of the Institute of Aviation – Paweł Stężycki, PhD., Eng.

Chairman of the Conference - Professor Roman Domański

Drodzy Czytelnicy, Szanowni Państwo

Z ogromną satysfakcją przedstawiamy materiały z 18-ej konferencji Polsko-Amerykańskiej która została połączona z obchodami bardzo istotnego wydarzenia dla polskiego przemyski i Instytutu Lotnictwa - Stuleciem współpracy nauki z przemysłem. Konferencja o wieloletniej tradycji stała się wydarzeniem, które podkreśliło znaczenie współpracy pomiędzy naukę i przemysłem oraz międzynarodową wymianą informacji w obszarze szeroko rozumianego lotnictwa. Istotnym elementem tego międzynarodowego spotkania było zainicjonowane nowego projektu lotniczego co wpisało się w obchody 100 lecia Lotnictwa Polskiego. Konferencja stała się jednocześnie wydarzeniem które pozwoliło na przedstawienie dorobku Instytutu Lotnictwa. Mamy nadzieję, że przedstawione materiały z obchodów 100 lecia oraz zaprezentowane na płycie CD Referaty Konferencyjne pozwolą na poszerzenie wiedzy, ugruntowanie współpracy i jej kontynuację. Jednocześnie chcemy gorąco podziękować Patronom Honorowym naszego Wydarzenia, Ministerstwu Przedsiębiorczości i Technologii, Ministerstwu Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego, i Agencji Rozwoju Przemysłu, oraz współorganizatorom z Ohio State University w tym szczególnie prof. J.M. Benzakein. Do zobaczenia w Columbus, Ohio 16-17 kwietnia 2019 roku, na 19ej Polsko-Amerykańskiej Konferencji Nauki i Technologii.

Dyrektor Instytutu Lotnictwa – dr inż. Paweł Stężycki

Chairman Konferencji - prof. dr hab. inż. Roman Domański

Official signing of a Letter of Intent for the construction of the Polish ILX-34 aircraft

Podpisanie listu intencyjnego ILX 34 Instytut Lotnictwa

Podpisanie listu intencyjnego ILX 34 Instytut Lotnictwa

    Paweł Stężycki - Director of the Institute of Aviation; Jadwiga Emilewicz - Minister of Entrepreneurship and Technology; Jakub Skiba - President of the Management Board of the Polish Armaments Group; Andrzej Kensbok - Vice President of the Management Board of the Industrial Development Agency


A common goal is needed (the article in “Lotnictwo” journal)

Dr. Paweł Stężycki, Director of the Institute of Aviation, talks to Jerzy Gruszczyński about his experience in the aviation industry, as well as the development, condition and future plans for his research and development institution.