Zbigniew Piotrowski received the M.Sc., Ph.D. degrees in Telecommunications from the Military University of Technology (MUT), Warsaw, in 1996, and 2005 (with honours), respectively. He held academic training as a postdoctoral researcher at University College London (2008). He graduated from the Stanford Center for Professional Development, Stanford University CA, USA (2013). He holds D.Sc. (a habilitation, 2013) in Telecommunications from EF MUT. He holds also title the Professor of MUT from MUT.
At present he is a Director of Institute of Telecommunications, Electronics Faculty (IT EF MUT). He is DSP engineer and his main areas of interest are: speech and audio processing, telecommunication systems engineering and data hiding technology. He is a secretary at Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications. He is a reviewer at scientific journals among others: International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, Scientific Journals of the Maritime University of Szczecin, Electronics, Engineering Computations.