In the quarterly Transactions on Aerospace Research you will find original articles on aviation and space sciences.
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We pay particular attention to the issues of aerospace engineering, aerospace materials science, astrophysics, astronomy, remote observations, photogrammetry, telecommunications, meteorology, aviation and space law, aerospace economics, organization of the aerospace industry, aerospace medicine and the history of aviation and space.
Our eISSN: 2545-2835
Transactions on Aerospace Research is published by the Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation in Warsaw.
The Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Aviation in Warsaw, originally established as the Technical Research Institute of Aviation back in 1926, has played a pivotal role in the testing and development of nearly all Polish-designed aircraft. The beginnings of the journal date back to an early series of publications known as “IBTL Reports”. After WWII, the Institute began publishing a research journal in 1956, then known as Transactions of the Institute of Aviation [Prace Instytutu Lotnictwa] (print ISSN: 0509-6669, eISSN: 2300-5408). In 2017 the name was changed to the current one, Transactions on Aerospace Research (eISSN: 2545-2835) – the new title reflecting our commitment to being a global platform for all scholars in aviation and space sciences. Since 2017 the journal is published only in electronic version.
The primary aim of Transactions on Aerospace Research is to serve as a dynamic platform for the advancement and state-of-the-art knowledge in aerospace research. The journal has played a distinctive role in bringing the Eastern European aviation-engineering traditions to a wider global audience, and integrating them into the broader global traditions. However, the journal now has a more global reach. It continuously seeks to foster innovation and to encourage collaboration among researchers from diverse backgrounds, pushing the boundaries of what is considered possible in aerospace technology and science. By highlighting cutting-edge research and facilitating discourse on emerging trends and challenges, Transactions on Aerospace Research aims to be at the forefront of shaping the future of aerospace engineering and contributing significantly to the field’s evolution.
Under the leadership of Professor Cezary Galiński, Editor in Chief, our journal has consistently been growing in prestige and global reach. Based on the Announcement of the Minister of Science (Communication of January 5, 2024), 20 points are awarded to scientific achievements for scientific articles published in the journal.
Our quarterly is a magazine of high reputation that publishes articles of a high scientific level. Publishing an article in this journal is recognition of the quality of a scientist's research and may be helpful in the development of his or her scientific career.
Based on the Announcement of the Minister of Science (Communication of January 5, 2024), 20 points are awarded to scientific achievements for scientific articles published in the journal.
Our quarterly is an international scientific journal that is available in many libraries around the world. Publishing articles with us gives scientists the opportunity to reach a wider audience and share their research results.
Publish your article in “Transactions on Aerospace Research”