Static and quasi-static test
Static strength tests make it possible to determine the behavior of structural elements or the structures themselves. The test objects are subjected to a uniformly increasing load to a specific value, reaching the assumed deformation or destruction. The recorded changes of force, moment and displacement in time, together with the geometrical dimensions of the tested objects, allow to determine the values of stresses and deformations.
Static strength tests – testing capabilities
We perform static and quasi-static strength tests of complete structures and their elements, including axisymmetric objects (simultaneous stretching and torsion), as well as tests of structure stiffness.
We perform structural tests according to individual Customer orders, in total with the preparation of the project and the construction of the test stand.
Static and quasi-static strength tests – equipment:
Schenck-Pegasus testing machine
- axial force: up to 1350 kN;
- twisting moment: up to 452 kNm;
- sample length: up to 3.6 m;
- sample diameter: up to 1200 mm;
- twist angle: ±15°;
- axial displacement: ±50 mm;
- frequency: up to 1 Hz;
- sample maximum temperature: 980°C.